Best and Worst Ships: TV Edition
I have been blocked for ideas for blog posts. Since Italy is coming up, I know I will have a lot of content. So with this block, I started scrolling around different social platforms and found a great idea on Tumblr: Best and Worst ships from a single show, and I thought this was perfect. So here are ten shows with my best and worst ships from them.

How I Met Your Mother
Best: Robin and Barney

They are literally perfect together.
They have so much in common.
They have the same goals in life,.
They were happy with each other.
Worst: Ted and Robin

They have nothing really in common.
She doesn't want kids.
He pressures her about certain things.
Possessive over her.
Best: Monica and Chandler

Friends before falling in love.
They build one another up.
Changed themselves for the better.
Worst: Ross and Rachel

During season two, they went downhill.
Ross treated her like crap.
Rachel took Ross for granted.
Ross was a jealous jerk.
They hurt more than they love.
Baby Daddy
Best: Danny and Riley
Best friends since they were little.
Would do anything for the other.
Made each other smile.
Danny loved her since he was five.
Never told her since she was in love with his brother.
Worst: Ben and Riley

He made fun of her as a kid because she was bigger.
Always used her for his own benefit.
Never realized that she liked him.
Still went after her even when he found out that she's his brother's true love.
Best: Seddie

Enemies to frenemies to lovers.
Chemistry level has no limit.
Make the other crazy.
Opposites attract.
Worst: Creddie

She never really liked him.
Only liked him because he was a safe choice.
Basically broke up Sam and Freddie.
Lead him on.
Pretty Little Liars
Best: Spencer and Toby

So cute.
She was the first to stop judging him.
So great together.
Have common goals.
Worst: Aria and Ezra

Literally her teacher in HIGH SCHOOL!
Betrayed her.
Spied on her for his book.
Lied to her.
A stalker pretty much.
Best: Bughead

I'm not gonna list why, you already know.
Worst: Barchie

He is not right for her.
They have nothing in common.
Better off as friends.
No chemistry.
Vampire Diaries/ Originals
Best: Cami and Klaus
She helped him so much.
He didn't want to hurt her.
Always protected her.
Wost: Klaus and Caroline

Not that much in common.
His bad side came out when they were with each other.
The show hyped them up too much.
Teen Wolf
Best: Stiles and Lydia

Would do anything to save the other.
Rescue mission from a metal ward and went through dimensions to get the other back.
The build up in season three.
Ugh, I can't with these two.
Worst: Malia and Scott

Dating your best friend's ex.
Out of place.
Best: Caroline and Dwight

My babies.
Opposites attract.
Help each other.
Truly care and love about one another.
Worst: Elizabeth and Ross
Caused so much drama.
Hurt others around them.
Do not see the consequences.
Game of Thrones
Best: Jaime and Brienne

Enemies to lovers.
Changed for the better.
Helped each other.
Saved each other.
Basically goals, before the last two episodes.
Worst: Dany and Jon

Terrible lead up.
No chemistry.
Out of character.
Changing allies.
He stabbed and killed her.
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