Top Animated TV Show Kisses

It's been over a month and it's finally time for the top kisses from animated couples. Now before y'all ask, I will not have movies on this because that would be a very detailed long list. Most of these are from my childhood, but still have a special place in my heart. Here are my top animated TV kisses.

8. Robin and Starfire (Teen Titans, Trouble In Tokyo)

Of course we got this in the last moment of the show.

7. Danny and Sam (Danny Phantom, 3x13)

Image result for danny phantom kiss gif

So cheesy, but I cried when this happened. 

6. Rapunzel and Eugene (Tangled:The TV Series, 1x23)

Even in TV show form, my babies are adorable. 

5. Sokka and Suki (Avatar The Last Airbender, 3x14)

Image result for sokka and suki kiss gif

Beautiful beans. 

4. Hiccup and Astrid (Dragons: Race To The Edge, 6x06)

One more year until I see their wedding. 

3. Zuko and Mai (Avatar The Last Airbender, 3x21)

Image result for zuko and mai kiss gif

I am still waiting to see if they got back together.

2. Aang and Katara (Avatar The Last Airbender, 3x21)

Image result for aang and katara kiss gif

Excuse me while I grab a box of tissues. 

1. Kim and Ron (Kim Possible, So The Drama)

Image result for kim and ron kiss gif

One of the best moments that ten years later still makes me tear up. 

I will see you guys Monday for a life update. 


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