Thrifting In Savannah, Ga
I love vintage clothes and thrifting. Most of my closet is filled with my great grandma's, grandma's, and mom's clothes from the past decades. As I was watching Janelle Eliana on YouTube, girl that lives in a van, she gave me the idea to go to the best vintage clothing stores in certain cities and see what I find. Since I am in Savannah until the end of May, I went to the best vintage stores in the historic district. I am excluding Good Will, and Salvation Army since they are not vintage stores.
This is what I found.
Civvies New & Recycled Clothing
14 E Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401
I have been to Civvies multiple times. My black and gold jumpsuit that showcased early on my blog was a highlight from this store. My most prized find from here is my baby blue rabbit fur coat. However, I haven't been finding many great things lately, but this time when I went, I found two great items.
Full Sequined Silk Shirt
This garment speaks to me. The colors are so bold and I love how even though it's fully embellished, it is so comfortable to wear. This shirt is most likely from the late eighty's to the early nineties. I got this shirt for only $16. First great find on my thrifting journey.
Lilac Knitted Short Sleeve Shirt
I was very hesitant when I first put this on. The fit is excellent but the color in the store washed me out. I had to get Alix to talk me into it, as they said they would love to dye it. I bought it only for $5 and thought I would just dye it. I wanted to wear it to class one day and put it on. The color looks great on me, so it was just the lighting in the store. Very happy with this shirt now.
Avalon Exchange
20 E Broughton St, Savannah, GA 31401

I also have way too many pieces from this store. The thing I love about this store is its designer collection. I got to try on an Alexander McQueen sweatshirts and I cried. This time I found two different types of clothing.
Fuzzy Sweater
This is one of the softest garments I have. The colors are so cute and I can wear this with anything. I am disappointed that when I got home I saw that it was polyester. It doesn't breathe at all and I can get very hot in it. Even with this, it is still a great piece.
Patterned Shorts
It is so hard to find a great pair of shorts that aren't denim. These shorts are so cute and really easy to wear. The only thing I hate is the belt since I can never figure out how to put it together. I have already had so much wear out of these shorts.
House of Strut
20 W State St, Savannah, GA 31401
This is more of a higher-end store. They have fantastic clothes from almost every decade. They just moved closer to downtown, so I could not get an image. I didn't find anything this time around, but if you are looking for a classic vintage piece, this store is for you.
The Future on Forsyth
106 W Gwinnett St #1a, Savannah, GA 31401

This place has everything. I went with my friend Eloise and we had a blast going through all the sections. I did not get anything this time as everything I tried on did not fit me to what I would have liked. Great selection for any occasion you are looking for. Here is a video of Eloise and I dancing in the store.
This place has everything. I went with my friend Eloise and we had a blast going through all the sections. I did not get anything this time as everything I tried on did not fit me to what I would have liked. Great selection for any occasion you are looking for. Here is a video of Eloise and I dancing in the store.
Gypsy World Savannah
2405 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401
This is the one vintage store that I did not have a chance to go to. It is a little further out from the rest and it has been raining so much that it would have been hard to go. I still suggest going and you can tell me your experience.
East and Up
6 East Liberty Street Parlor Level, Savannah, GA 31401
The last one on my list. This store has so much classic vintage, it's crazy. These pieces are one of a kind and really have stood the test of time. This store is on the pricier side, so these pieces are in good condition. I went, not thinking I would get anything because of the prices, but I fell in love with something.
60s Hat
I am in love with this hat. I wasn't originally going to get it because of the price. With Blood Lust coming out, I knew I wanted to get the palette. I kept thinking about this hat for a week. Alix gave me the best advice saying that the hat is one of a kind and the palette I could get later. So last weekend I went back for the hat and did spend over $70. I know I will have this in my collection forever and cannot wait to wear it more.
I cannot wait to go to other cities and go vintage shopping. What is your favorite piece that I got? Also any suggestions on where I should go next? I'll see you guys next time for my top shows of Fall 2020 Fashion Week.
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