Feeling Lost in Mid Twenties

So I have been MIA for the past couple of months with no real passion for creating any posts which is not great as I do love this blog. 

So over this past weekend, I turned 24, which scares the crap out of me. Does anyone else feel lost right now? I know I do! There is so much pressure in a lot of different places. From the growth in TikTokers being successful at the age of 16 to having people you went to high school with getting married and having kids. I know at the age of 14, I did not expect my life to be like this. 

I know deep down it's not bad to be in the place I am at, but I imagined different things for my 24th year. I am not in my dream job yet as COVID and other factors have made getting a design job very difficult. Also having little to no motivation to create to help said portfolio. I also imagined at the age of 24, I would be engaged, which is not happening anytime soon as I do not even have a boyfriend. So seeing so many people achieving these things at my age or even younger is very daunting. 

Now I am nowhere near ready to get married or have children as that mindset has changed. I still feel like I am 15 half the time so I'll wait until I'm almost 30 to cross that bridge. However, when it comes to my career I do feel quite stuck. I keep thinking do I need to get my MFA and go across the pond to a top design school? Do I need to just move to New York and start anew? All of these questions keep popping up in my head. The other thing I'm dealing with is that I have no money to do these things as I still live at home (which is fine as I do love my parents) and I have quite a bit of loan debt hinging my prospects of moving out. Even though I love living at home, I see people younger than me on their own, living their lives. 

I do believe I am not the only one feeling like this, as most of my friends from high school and college still live with their families. I can only count on one hand friends that successfully live on their own. So why do we put so much pressure to be something at a certain age? 

Even with the pressure we get from others and ourselves, I am setting small goals that can be achieved during my life as of right now. I am trying to see how 24 can be a great change in my life and really try to make things happen for me! I think with the pandemic, a lot of us got so sucked up that we just stopped trying. 

These are just some thoughts that I really wanted to share, and hopefully, a lot of you agree with me. I am going to try to start being more creative on here, as well as on other outlets as these things do bring me joy and I need to live life to the fullest. Hope everyone has a great week and I will see you guys next week! 


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