What's been Going On In My Life/Goals for Spring

Happy Valentines Day.  Whether you are spending it with a significant other, friends or loved ones, I hope everyone is having a great Monday. 

I was originally planning on doing another top TV kisses, but I need to wait for the new season of Bridgerton. I cannot do another one without Kate and Anthony on that list. That will be coming in the beginning of April. 

A little life update for everyone. This year so far has not been great. I was sick the whole month of January and got covid in the beginning of this month. Luckily I got over it quick, but I am now just starting to feel like myself. I had to push off a lot of my goals for the year to now, but that is OK.

I have finally had a good workout program for this week, and I am so happy to be getting strong again. I also have been getting back into baking and regular cooking which brings me joy. One thing I have kept up with so far is self care Sundays. I take a long bath and really just care after my body. Then I watch Euphoria at night and I love it. 

My mental state is doing well now, and I am having a creative spark. I feel like the last two years I haven't really had the drive to create. My blog has been on the back burner and I haven't sewn anything new really. So that is going to change, I have already fixed my green suit. I have been meaning to do that for three years now, and I am going to create a new collection soon. 

I also want to do more travel and fun things. It can be hard with covid and money, but even just bowling on a Saturday sounds like so much fun. I do have one trip planned for June since one of my best friends from college is getting married. I am also going to go to the national parks in Florida since they are so close. 

A couple of posts coming up are going to be an updated night skin care routine since it has been years. Marvelous Mrs Maisel season four review, Charlette NC adventure, and more. 

I hope you have enjoyed this little chat and I will see everyone next week. Also doesn't Briar look adorable in her Valentines collar. 


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