Riverdale Season 3 Part B Review
So I was wrong about season three being the best. Part one was meh, but they have now tarnished this show. Each episode synopsis was written while I watched it, so you get my first reaction. At the end, like always, there will be a no spoiler review for people who have not seen the rest of the season yet, or who don't want spoilers. So jump to the end for NO SPOILERS. Enjoy and tell me what you think of this season.
BH: Black Hood
GK: Gargoyle King
PP: Pretty Poisons
BH: Black Hood
GK: Gargoyle King
PP: Pretty Poisons
S03 E09: Chapter Forty- Four : No Exit

Um what, UM WHAT? This was a terrible episode. I am just in awe that it has managed to get worse. So what happened with the shut down of the city? Where is the quarantine? Oh, is it just lifted and Jughead and FP got back in? They skipped through all of that so the mid season finale was a waste and we don't know how it got lifted. Also wasn't Riverdale High shut down? How is it still running?
Cheryl and Toni are thieves now. Why? Basically so they can steal from the rich for themselves. Cheryl is acting worse than season one and the creators took her and just crushed all of her character development up to this point. Also why doesn't Toni have a voice?
Betty is housing all of the kids from TSOQM which I guess that makes sense. Mayor McCoy and Betty are trying to get the sisters to testify against Hiram which makes sense. Of course, the Farm comes in and takes them as Betty finally gets the Sisters to talk even though they kill themselves at the end like any religious cult.
Veronica and Reggie are so steamy and I love it. She wants protection against her father's Gargoyle gang. She gives him some money, she messes up with a scene, he goes after Josie, and then the Serpents get jobs to protect Bonne Nuit from the Gargoyles.
Jughead being gone for the month made people mad. The Serpents don't have money, so Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl take matters into their own hands. I get that they have Jughead as the Serpent King, but you are asking a 16-17 year old to help you get money and solve all your problems so, no. Jughead kicks Cheryl and Toni out for stealing as they stole an egg thing from Hiram. Makes sense, but the way Cheryl was acting just made me want to punch her. Jughead was going to give Fangs a warning , but, since the others knew, he was kicked out too. Now Fangs is redeeming himself by helping the Serpents stop the Gargoyle gang.
Now for the even weirder stuff.
So Archie is in Canada, he has a cabin, he gucci. The stupid boy goes out even though there has been bear sightings. He runs into said bear and gets attacked. First off, with a cut that bad he would be dead, but instead he waits for help and he starts to hallucinate. So basically he goes in his head and is playing the game. He talks with ghosts and kills the BH, Hiram and then finally beats the stupidity out of himself. Yes, he literally does this as he beat a sleeping version of himself with a bat while his dad was in the background.
The only good thing about this episode is that while he was in is dream state, he saw Betty, Jughead, and Veronica when they told him he needed to play the last move, which was to kill the bad part of himself. They were dressed in the outfits from the pilot episode so I loved that.
Also Veronica and Reggie finally kissed!
The show ended with Archie being dead?
S03 E10: Chapter Forty-Five: The Stranger

Fred is dad of the year. So Archie isn't dead. Duh. Love how he just came back without any info on how he got better.
Basically Archie struggles the whole time with not knowing how to fit back into his old life. He walked out on the SAT, so he's dumb. Also he could just retake the test so I don't know why he is hating so much on how he doesn't know anything.
Betty, oh poor Betty. So Alice has finally lost it and gave all of Betty's tuition money to the Farm. So Betty has to go to Hal and get him to try to get it back. So Hal tried to admit that he was the OG gargoyle king. He lied of course just so he could get Betty back to see him. The money goes to the Farm and Betty starts to see her father more.
Jughead has Fangs with the Gargoyles and they find out who the king was. Or might be? I don't trust it because it was Tall Boy. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I screamed. Why did they pull this on us again? He died at the end of the episode, but I swear if he was a pawn like he was with the BH, I can't.
FP becomes sheriff, so FP and Hermione are working together.
Veronica basically forgets Reggie since Archie is back. She tries to make things how they left it, but with Archie being different they finally broke up for good. At least for now. She realizes that Reggie is the right one when he comes to the hospital to support her.
Hiram gets shot and is in intensive care.
Claudius gets killed.
The good part of the episodes was my baby Bughead, of course. I gotta say I am loving Reggie more and more. I am now a Veggie shipper. (AN: horrible ship name)
Where was Choni and Kevin? Bring my gaybies back.
S03 E11: Chapter Forty - Six: The Red Dahlia

The Noir episode.
I zoned out a lot during this episode since the acting was not great and it was very cringy.
Jughead narrates more, and is hired by Veronica to find out who shot Hiram.
Archie drinks and beats up people. He goes to Hiram to finally kill him, but instead he actually saves him from another shooter.
Josie helping him was cute.
Veronica gets rid of all the drugs with Reggie, even though her mom wants to sell the business.
Betty is still seeing her dad as she tries to get evidence that Penelope has killed many people.
Jughead finds out that FP shot Hiram on orders from Hermione.
They play that it was Tall Boy that shot Hiram which helps the get rid of that body easily.
Hermione was sleeping with Maneta, who wasn't dead, but then kills him at the end of the episode.
That's all I got. It was a very boring episode.
S03 E12: Chapter Forty - Seven: Bizarodale

I love this episode so much! A switch from last week, this episode rocked. No core four at all. The episode finally focused on Kevin, Moose, Cheryl, Toni, Josie, and the parents. I was happy the whole time.
Cheryl and Toni have their first fight as Cheryl was trying to help Kevin and outed Moose. Cheryl and Toni go on a mission to fix it as they plan for college and form a new girl gang together.
Moose came out to his ROTC father. It was okay until he posed as the the Gargoyle king and got all the parents together, so he could scare the gay out of Kevin and Moose. He had those feeling towards Tom, so the Sisters messed him up. Moose left because of his Dad, but hopefully they will get back together.
Josie auditions for Julliard, but did not get in. Archie was there to help and they finally kissed at the end. Also love how we got a Sweet Pea moment between him and Josie.
Veronica and Reggie were trying to get money to save Pop's, so he stole money from his Dad. He got shot, but he is okay.
Hermione brought in Veronica to the game she is trying to plan on Hiram. Veronica and Reggie go to meet the person and get the money, and it was Gladys Jones. Love her.
All the parents were pranked by Moose's Dad as they thought they had to finish Ascension night. The whole cast basically saved Kevin and Moose.
Gladys and Jellybean are here to stay and I am so hyped. Finally a great episode.
S03 E13: Chapter Forty-Eight: Requiem for a Welterwight

Can Archie just have a plot point to stay with? Now he is into boxing? What happened to music or football? Archie taking a fight before he is ready is stupid. Tom Keller is a bean, like I love him helping Archie. We need more of this. Archie fighting was meh, but Tom through the whole thing was amazing. Also love Joise showing up to support him. I am shipping that more.
Veronica spying on her dad for Gladys will backfire. Veronica trying to shake down Gladys is so funny. Having both of them try to get Hiram out of the Candy game did not go well. Now FP has to get in the game.
Jughead should not have banished Cheryl and Toni and this mess of the rival gangs would not have started. Toni wanting to be Queen of the serpents is stupid. Like hun, would you do better leading it, you didn't want to before? Cheryl and the Pretty Poisons beating up Sweat Pea and Fangs was stupid and uncalled for. They didn't do anything to deserve it. Toni and Cheryl are in troubled water with both wanting more power.
I want to know more about the Farm already. Betty needs to be more sneaky about her emotions to get in and investigate. Now Kevin and Evelyn are friends like what? The Farm is totally a cult. Now Alice is reborn she is going to sell the house so they all can be together. Getting close to death so you see the truth? Yep, a cult. Betty ran to save her mom's life. Man, Polly, you almost drowning your mother was not cool. Love Lili's acting in this scene though.
Gladys having Jughead go to the Ghoulies to get them to join the Serpents is so weird. Like they tried to kill Jughead. Also all this jumping of gangs is so annoying and would never happen ever. Now she has the Gargoyles/Ghoulies on the Serpents side. That will not go well.
The only good thing about this episode is Archie and Josie.

Veronica spying on her dad for Gladys will backfire. Veronica trying to shake down Gladys is so funny. Having both of them try to get Hiram out of the Candy game did not go well. Now FP has to get in the game.
Jughead should not have banished Cheryl and Toni and this mess of the rival gangs would not have started. Toni wanting to be Queen of the serpents is stupid. Like hun, would you do better leading it, you didn't want to before? Cheryl and the Pretty Poisons beating up Sweat Pea and Fangs was stupid and uncalled for. They didn't do anything to deserve it. Toni and Cheryl are in troubled water with both wanting more power.
I want to know more about the Farm already. Betty needs to be more sneaky about her emotions to get in and investigate. Now Kevin and Evelyn are friends like what? The Farm is totally a cult. Now Alice is reborn she is going to sell the house so they all can be together. Getting close to death so you see the truth? Yep, a cult. Betty ran to save her mom's life. Man, Polly, you almost drowning your mother was not cool. Love Lili's acting in this scene though.
Gladys having Jughead go to the Ghoulies to get them to join the Serpents is so weird. Like they tried to kill Jughead. Also all this jumping of gangs is so annoying and would never happen ever. Now she has the Gargoyles/Ghoulies on the Serpents side. That will not go well.
The only good thing about this episode is Archie and Josie.
S03 E14: Chapter Forty - Nine: Fire Walk With Me

First off, I know I will state this above, but a very sad week. Luke Perry, the actor that plays the beloved Fred Andrews died three days before this episode was released. He was a great actor and person. The whole cast was devastated by this and RAS said that the rest of Riverdale was dedicated to him. So this episode hits the feels in so many ways.
Betty being sassy about her mom selling the house is everything.
This Ricky kid is interesting, and I don't know why but I already like him.
The Serpents and Gargoyles are boring, so pass.
Cheryl getting back at Toni with those sassy remarks is making me scared for Choni.
Love how the core four are all together like they never hang out anymore?
Kevin and the Farm is making me mad, like why him man?
Veronica's speakeasy is getting better, but I'm not so board with this plot line anymore.
Can Evelyn get what's coming to her now? I am sick on her blackmail.
The Serpents going under the Sheriff to help with investigations so they have control is one of the best ideas Jughead has ever had. They get paid and school credit for school. Finally thinking.
Ricky being Jaquenes younger brother got me. That poor boy is crazy going after Archie.
Betty setting fire to the house was so obvious. At least your mom would have gotten money since she sold it. I do love how we get a Bughead moment right at the end. Not a terrible episode.
S03 E15: Chapter Fifty: American Dreams

Gladys Jones buying the Cooper house was so called. I cannot.
Gladys Jones buying the Cooper house was so called. I cannot.
Cheryl and Toni in troubled waters man.
Reggie and Veronica also might be in trouble.
That Falice scene got me man, Alice asking FP if he loves her was so sad to watch.
I still do not trust Gladys Jones.
So B and V are still friends? We haven't seen them interact at all this season, but Betty is staying with Veronica. FP is making me want to cry of cuteness this episode. Also having Jughead find out about his mother's Drug Trade is gonna be oh so much fun.
The Game needs to end. I am sick of this stupid plot. It's like the BH but not as bad.
Betty telling Jughead was good, and I love how they are communicating as it makes me happy.
I do like how everyone is helping Archie get out of the quest. Finally something good. The Red Paladin stuff though is so stupid. Reggie and V, and Cheryl and Toni fighting is sad, but baby Bughead is good.
Also the fight scene with all the people trying to get Archie was entertaining. Love that whole sequence.
Oh wait now Choni is having a fight and Toni is moving out. Also I think Reggie and Veronica are done too. Man, two ships down. Jughead and his mom having a spat about family is the only thing this show seems to get right.
Jughead's speech about his dad was beautiful. I was so afraid he was going to tell him about Gladys right there. Fred and FP having a moment killed my soul.
S03 E16: Chapter Flirty - One: BIG FUN

OH God another musical. This time it's Heathers. (AN: How dare they butcher one of my favorite musicals) I have never seen the musical, so I am kinda going into this blind. Cole singing is so funny, and this episode to me is just gonna be so funny.
Choni fighting is making me sad. There are so many things going on it's hard to keep up. The songs are not that bad, and I do like it better than last year's.
My ships are thriving, except Veronica and Reggie. Hermione and Hiram are finally getting divorced. Archie and Josie are getting so much closer. Also, finally Fangs and Kevin.
I AM SHOOK. Cole can sing. That song "Seventeen" with Bughead, and Choni was the best song Riverdale has ever done.
Choni lives. Jughead's face when he has to be in the play. Also setting fire to the trailer has to happen, and I love the Budhead scene right after it.
Not a bad episode. I am just living for the Bughead moments, and Edgar finally showing up.
S03 E17: Chapter Fifty-Two : The Raid
Very interesting episode.
Archie helps Mad Dog and the rest of the guys from jail. They end up helping the Serpents for a raid on the Gargoyles.
Veronica is still trying to get her parents back together. She fails and instead of divorce, Hiram gets their marriage annulled.
Betty has Cheryl go deep into the Farm.
I don't know how, but Edgar got Cheryl and Alice to see their dead loved ones.
Betty finally gets to meet Edgar and ask questions.
I do love the casting of Edgar. Great choice.
S03 E18: Chapter Fifty-Three: Jawbreaker
This show is making me mad, and it's just because I see the stupid flaws in the writing.
Betty is trying to find evidence on how Charles died, so she can snap her mother out of her being crazy. She also has Toni trying to get Cheryl out of the Farm's grasp.
Jughead and FP are on the King's trail with the death of a friend.
Veronica is helping Archie with winning the next match he has. I personally don't care for the boxing arc.
Betty is kinda acting just as crazy as her father, and is not being smart to see what her mother is doing.
Toni and Evelyn having a showdown was the best part of this episode. Jellybean playing the game makes me upset, no no hun. Alice burning those photos upsets me. Betty should have known, but those are Betty's memories too.
Alice saying thats she is scared of Betty hurts like talk to your daughter. Betty finally lets Alice go back to the Farm. Toni joins also to save Cheryl and to not lose her, but Toni and Betty are in this together to save who they love. Jughead and FP caught the guy, but now we have to see what's wrong with the new fizzle rocks. Not that interested.
Why go after Jellybean though?
S03 E19: Chapter Fifty-Four: Fear The Reaper

Archie fought Randy, but he ended up dead. Archie goes after Elio to get the money for Randy's family.
Kurtz makes a play on the Jones' family as the Gargoyle King has Jellybean. They first have to steal from Pops and that's where FP gets shot in the arm. Then Gladys fights Penny, who we thought was dead, and breaks some ribs, so it's up to Jughead now. He gets locked in a locker, and gets out only to find Kurtz dead and Jellybean fine. She was okay the whole time. Gladys finally leaves Riverdale, but Jellybean stays with her father and brother.
Hal asks Betty to get him into Hiram's prison, but the transfer does not go well and he is killed before they can get to the new prison.
Josie and her father reconnect and she is now leaving Riverdale and is going to New York with her father.
S03 E20: Chapter Fifty - Five: Prom Night

So Hal is officially dead. Betty crying and smiling was creepy. She thought he might have escaped, but I think the Black Hood will come back.
Veronica wants to invest in the gym, and you can see the tension between her and Archie. With Archie's mom back, she doesn't want him to fight. She gets a college recruiter, so now Archie has to fight two fights in one day. He loses the first fight, and faints at the second.
It's Prom which they are basing on Game Of Thrones and I am not for it. RAS put in a photo on Insta saying THE REAL GOT starts Wednesday. HAHAHAHA NO. This show does not compare at all. Choni is running for Prom queens and I am here for it.
Jughead and Betty are trying to find the real Gargoyle King after Jughead finds the Gospel, the book of all the GK's secrets. Betty thinks it's Edgar because of the tattoo. He shows her up since he does not have it. My vote is on Chic.
Betty and Jughead think they can get the GK at Prom, so they set up Betty to be queen so they can catch the GK. She gets a message from the GK to meet, and she does but the BH shows up as well. It's not her dad, but she is chased and finds dead bodies as she is running away. I don't know if she is imaging this or not. She goes to her mom to warn her. Edgar says he can keep her safe, so now Betty is living at the Farm. Just why?
The Bughead moments made me happy though.
S03 E21: Chapter Fifty - Six: The Dark Secret of Harvest House

Hiram is buying Riverdale. Okay? Veronica is going to set him up. Archie is going to fight Hiram, but it's a plan to get Hiram out. The fight is shot really well. Hiram almost killed Archie, but Hiram got arrested before he could.
I hate Polly now. So Betty has a serial killer gene, and Edgar is gonna help her fix it. What? This show got even more weird. Betty is now having illusions, and her dark bad side is her true side though she is trying to fight against it. Betty now has a plan to find out what the Farm is really doing. While Betty is in her dream state, the noise is the cause of her hallucinations and the person talking to her is actually Polly. Now the Farm is doing surgery to get rid of pain, really sketchy though. So Edgar is saving organs, again, what? Betty tells Cheryl and Toni to try to escape. Toni makes it but Cheryl does not. Betty goes for Kevin and Fangs but they beat her down and now she is stuck at the Farm. Betty is now going under for surgery.
Jughead is trying to find out how the BH and GK are related to each other. He tries to save Ricky and is set up. He hides in the Bunker to find Ethel. Why is the BH back, man? So Jason might be alive and be the GK. If that's true, they have officially ruined the show. They just ruined season one. It makes sense on how Cheryl saw her brother. So his grave is empty so it's real.
Hal is alive in the promo for the finale, so there's that too.
S03 E22: Chapter Fifty-Seven: Survive the Night

Okay, Jason is actually dead, so they did not ruin season one,. Thank God. The core four gets a message from the GK and they all have to meet at a certain place. Before Betty is cut up, Penelope saves her because Toni got to Penelope when she escaped.
They are at the hunting lodge of the Blossoms. The BH and the GK are working for Penelope and she is the true GK master. Also Chic is the GK and is not dead. Chic has been dressing up like Jason and works for Penelope. I hate this. Also Cheryl is still trying to get Kevin and Fangs out, but Edgar moved the organs. The Farm is also Ascending that night.
The Core Four have to do a set of challenges in the woods, so they can be free. Archie has to fight a bear like man, he wins. Veronica and Betty have to play basically spin the bottle, and not drink a poison. It was a challenge to test Veronica's character, but all of the cups were poisoned. If they finish the game, they will get the antidote.
Cheryl is trying to find the organs when she finds her dead brother's body being harvested for organs, meaning yep, Edgar dug up Jason. I hate this. Although Alice is starting to get suspicious of Edgar. Alice gets Cheryl and Juniper out of the Farm, so the baby is safe. Toni wakes up as Nana Rose tells her that the core four are in danger.
Jughead's quest is to fight Chic, and he wins, but barely. Veronica is starting to feel the poison. Betty has to fight her dad, and she shoots him. Penelope does not like how Hal did not kill Betty, so she shoots him in the head. She still has her followers go kill the CF, but they are saved by the PP and the Serpents. God Bless Cheryl.
All of them go to the Farm to save everyone but they find Kevin crying saying all of them are gone.
Alice is missing not dead. The PP and Serpents clean up Pops. Penelope got away, Hal is dead, and Chic is in jail. Hiram got Hermione arrested, so that's new drama for next season.
Turns out the FBI knew about the Farm and Alice was helping them all this time, so they are going to stay for awhile. Also the FBI agent is really Charles, Betty and Jughead's half brother. Yep, he's alive.
Archie is setting up the gym to also be a shelter. They all want senior year to be easy going and drama free.
HAHAHAHAHAHA . It then shows the future during Spring Break the next year having Betty, Archie, and Veronica covered in blood in front of a huge fire in the woods with Betty telling them to burn all their clothes and Jughead's beanie. WTF did they do to my baby? I am not even excited for the new season. So there you go, the end to a terrible season.
They are at the hunting lodge of the Blossoms. The BH and the GK are working for Penelope and she is the true GK master. Also Chic is the GK and is not dead. Chic has been dressing up like Jason and works for Penelope. I hate this. Also Cheryl is still trying to get Kevin and Fangs out, but Edgar moved the organs. The Farm is also Ascending that night.
The Core Four have to do a set of challenges in the woods, so they can be free. Archie has to fight a bear like man, he wins. Veronica and Betty have to play basically spin the bottle, and not drink a poison. It was a challenge to test Veronica's character, but all of the cups were poisoned. If they finish the game, they will get the antidote.
Cheryl is trying to find the organs when she finds her dead brother's body being harvested for organs, meaning yep, Edgar dug up Jason. I hate this. Although Alice is starting to get suspicious of Edgar. Alice gets Cheryl and Juniper out of the Farm, so the baby is safe. Toni wakes up as Nana Rose tells her that the core four are in danger.
Jughead's quest is to fight Chic, and he wins, but barely. Veronica is starting to feel the poison. Betty has to fight her dad, and she shoots him. Penelope does not like how Hal did not kill Betty, so she shoots him in the head. She still has her followers go kill the CF, but they are saved by the PP and the Serpents. God Bless Cheryl.
All of them go to the Farm to save everyone but they find Kevin crying saying all of them are gone.
Alice is missing not dead. The PP and Serpents clean up Pops. Penelope got away, Hal is dead, and Chic is in jail. Hiram got Hermione arrested, so that's new drama for next season.
Turns out the FBI knew about the Farm and Alice was helping them all this time, so they are going to stay for awhile. Also the FBI agent is really Charles, Betty and Jughead's half brother. Yep, he's alive.
Archie is setting up the gym to also be a shelter. They all want senior year to be easy going and drama free.
HAHAHAHAHAHA . It then shows the future during Spring Break the next year having Betty, Archie, and Veronica covered in blood in front of a huge fire in the woods with Betty telling them to burn all their clothes and Jughead's beanie. WTF did they do to my baby? I am not even excited for the new season. So there you go, the end to a terrible season.
No Spoiler Review:
This show has gone to complete shit. The whole season is focused on the Gargoyle King and then later the Black Hood. There's also the new spiritual following from the Farm. All of the characters go through multiple trials this season. Although they go through this, the development is damaged and not good. I think the writers just went through a lot of plots and forgot about them. A lot of loose ends were not tied up, but season two and three are similar with being related to each other. I don't even know how to feel at this point since the show is trying too hard with shock factor rather than good writing. The writing is good, but the plot is terrible. I would have this on in the background if you decide to watch this season. That or binge and let it go.
I hope you guys enjoyed my review, this will most likely be the last because I don't think I will religiously watch next season.
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