My Goals For 2019

Happy New Year's Eve!
As everyone does at this time of year, it is time to reflect and set goals for the new year. I have been good at keeping up with my resolutions in the past, but I like to take what I did in the year and try to make it better for the next. 
For next year, I set myself only a couple of goals, so they can be reached and not be too overwhelming. A YouTuber I watch came up with a great idea which was to write down these five questions and answer them.
Here's the video!

So here are the questions and my answers to them. 

What Moment Stood Out To You The Most?

To me, it was finally listening to myself again. I kept asking my friends on what to do and didn't listen to my own instincts. I realized that I need to put myself first, though I was thankful for my friends input. I just needed to see what I truly wanted. 

What Made You Grow As A Person?

Taking chances and that which truly inspires me. 

What Am I Most Grateful For?

People that support me and my passions. 

What Didn't Work For Me And Why?

Being fearful and not listening to myself was the biggest struggle for me. 

Now my own goals for this year are quite a lot, but I know with determination that I can achieve all of these.

My Goals for 2019

Set five goals to achieve each month

Get out of the house everyday, and try to see a friend everyday

Get back to being fit and happy with my body

Make my fashion work my number one priority

Be a role model for people

Stop wasting time over fictional things and characters 

Travel the world

Now I know that some of these are going to be a struggle but I will make these happen.

What are your goals for the next year?
Stay safe tonight and have a great new year!


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