Goals for May 2019

It's gonna be May!
This past weekend was parents' weekend so it was a great break. Since May is coming up, here are my goals for my last part of Junior year. 

1. Make My Last Quarter of Junior Year Great

I will say that this spring term is a lot better than last year's. I am doing well in my school work and I am seeing friends often. I just want to make the memories count.

2. Not Worry Too Much on the Future

With my dad moving down south this week, I just want to move now. It's scary and exciting at the same time. It's weird that I will be moving soon. 

3. Do Not Rush Things

With my midterms over, I feel like I went too fast. For my last couple of projects, I need to take more breaks. 

4. Don't Get Too Sad Over My Shows Ending

With Game Of Thrones ending in May and Big Bang Theory almost over as well, I will be sad. I have other shows ending soon as well, but GOT will hit me the most. 

5. Try To Spend as Much Time With Amelia as I Can

My bean graduates in a month and I am sad. Since I don't know the next time I will see her, I have to take every moment we have and make it count. 


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