Best Songs of January 2021

 I am bringing back my top songs of the month! I've missed doing these but did feel like it got old after a while in 2019. There is no set limit to how many songs I loved each month. Some months might be higher then others, some might have three. 

I need to get into new music again because 2020 just had me back into my emo pop punk faze and it has yet to go away again. Nevertheless, here are my favorite songs I listed to in January.

4. Listen!!! - Aly and AJ

I have been putting this song on while I drive to work and it really is a great driving song. So many great lines and the background instrumentals are used well. Cannot wait for more. 

3. Typhoons - Royal Blood

I so excited for new music from them. This song is a jam, and I blare it way to loud. I think I know every word already and have the beats memorized. The new album is about to be sick. 

2. Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Lana Del Rey

New album in just a month!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this and this song gave me chills the first time. I will be posting my review of the album when it comes out so I won't say to much about this song yet. 

1. Drivers License - Olivia Rodrigo

This 17 year old out here making all of us cry and sing this song on the floor. She needs to win an award for this song because it is so beautiful words are hard to describe it. I have played it way to much already and is most likely a top song of the year. 


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