My Workout Routine
I work out five days a week and I have been working out for about four years now regularly. If you read my eating disorder story, you know that working out has been a struggle for years and I have had a rough past with it. About three years ago, I found the YouTube channel Fitness blender and it has been my workout routine for the past couple of years. Even though my body still went through changes, it has always been a easy place to fall back on.

Fitness blender is free and easy to use. They have workouts that start from beginner to advanced levels. You can also use their website to create a calendar to set up your daily workout. They also have programs that you can purchase and follow along each day. I have bought about seven different programs and they do not cost a lot of money. Each program is about 10 dollars a piece and you have them forever. I have done each program around three times.
Summer 2014
The basics of my week is I do a HIIT workout with either strength training for the lower body or high cardio. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do strength training for my upper body. Each program is different so some days its abs and cardio and others it is just strength. Then I usually rest on the weekends and do yoga or stretching on Saturdays.
Spring 2017
Fitness blender has saved my time for finding workouts and has made my body stronger. Go look at their channel and see for yourself.
Also look at their new Website it is so beautiful and easy to navigate.
I will see you guys on Monday for another Top Songs of the Month!
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