Top 13 Couple Ships of All Time
I am currently writing this at 12:30 in the morning. Yeah, I'm not getting any sleep tonight. Anyway, I love romance and waiting for certain people to get together. Whenever I watch a movie or show I always find a couple that I cannot wait to see come together. I was shipping people as a four year old, so I've had this problem for a long time. My favorite TV shows and movies have some of my favorite ships. I have a huge list nearly three pages long, but I took my top 13 couples from it. I was going to choose 10 but there are too many favorites and I had to include them. I have Pinterest boards dedicated to some of them and have had dreams about situations that could happen between some of them. I could tell that some of these ships were going to get together from day one. I have spent way too much time contemplating how they would get together or crying when they broke up or one of them died. But I love my ships and I will defend them forever. I'm still upset about some of them. They have taken over my life. This was so hard to put together but here it is.
13. Bones and Booth (Bones)

I have watched this show since its first season in 2005. I have shipped them since I was eight. I love their chemistry and they way they play off of each other. When she told him she was pregnant at the end of season six I was floored. I cried during their wedding and all the times they almost died. This ship is endgame since the show ended this year with them as a happy family of four.
12. Zuko and Mai (Avatar the Last Airbender)

I never shipped Zuko with Katara, I could never get on that band wagon. When Mai was introduced in the second season and we got to see flashbacks of Zuko's life as a kid, I knew they were meant to be together. I loved all their scenes in the third season and was so upset when he left her. I was jumping up for joy when they got together in the last episode. But Mai did break up with Zuko in the comics and I am still waiting for more info on when they would get back together. Like come on, Izumi has to be Mai's daughter.
11. Jamie and Claire (Outlander)
My whole Christmas break included watching Outlander and becoming obsessed. It's my second fave TV show right now so I have to love them. They are soulmates even though they are from different eras. They bring real love back on the screen and make you believe in it. The way they look at each other makes you want something like that. I cannot wait for them to reunite in the next season and for Jamie to meet their daughter. They're so beautiful.
10. Aang and Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender)

From the first episode I knew that they were endgame. I waited three seasons for them to finally get together. I never wanted her with Zuko. She belonged with Aang, her soul mate. It was a great friendship that blossomed into young love that would transcend lifetimes. I cried so hard during the final scene where she kisses Aang and the credits roll with the music. It still gets me to this day. I love how they went on to have three children, and we get to find out about their life in Legend of Korra. Long live this ship.
9. Danny and Riley (Baby Daddy)

This is one of those ships that is not that great but it just gets you and you get obsessed with them. I never wanted her to be with Ben. The way that Danny had always loved her was beautiful. I am a sucker for childhood sweethearts so this got to me quick. I rooted for Danny every season, and it was really the only reason I watched the show. After Riley broke up with Ben and found out that Danny loved her I lost it. After all their drama, I screamed and jumped up and down when they finally got together. When Ben gave his speech and they kissed, I screamed again. When they ended the season on Danny proposing, I lost it. I hated that they broke up over stupid shit, but they did find each other again. When she revealed that she was pregnant, I knew that they were Endgame. I am happy they ended the show with them married and with a little boy.
8. Chandler and Monica (Friends)
When I watched the show for the first time after it was added on Netflix I was shocked and so happy that they got together. These two never gave me any ideas that they would end up with one another and I love that. Each moment of theirs is so special and I love how cheesy it is. My favorite episode is still when everyone finds out that they are together, and they say I love you. Of course they're meant to be and they go on to have two beautiful twins. Great TV show couple, one of the best.
7. Kim and Ron (Kim Possible)
I just finished watching three seasons and So the Drama before writing this post. That is how much I love this show and this pairing. From the very beginning we all knew that they would end up with each other. Season three really shows how they are starting to realize that they have feelings for each other. Their kiss at the end of So the Drama still gets me, and I cried. The fourth season was a blessing because we got to see them dating. The last episode shows that they will always be soulmates and they kiss off into the sky happy and ready for their future.
6. Klaus and Cami (The Originals)
This one is hard to write. First off, fuck Caroline. I absolutely hate them together. I don't want Caroline to be in the fourth season and I am going to hate it if they get together. OK, rant over. I watched the Originals before I watched TVD. I always love these two. After two and a half seasons of waiting for Klaus to make a move, we finally got a beautiful kiss and make out session. Then it was all ruined by Aurora when she killed Cami. I thought she was dead and I cried for hours. I then played out every scenario in my head that she could come back as a vampire. Which I was right, she did. But they never truly came back from it until it was too late. Lucian bit her and she was infected, that is when she tells Klaus she loves him and he tries to find the cure, but there isn't one. So while she is on her death bed, they play out the perfect date they never had. He says that she is the light in the darkness. Then she dies and the street light goes out. I AM STILL NOT OVER THIS. I am still mad. After years he still misses her and I wish they never killed her off. This ship has played with my heart and broke it. Maybe the last season will do something, here is to hopeful thinking.
5. Rapunzel and Eugene (Flynn Rider) (Tangled)

My third favorite movie of all time. I love these two. I don't know why I love them so much but I do. They way she changed him from thieving to having a dream and caring about something big is beautiful. Their love is timeless. When I first watched Tangled I thought he really died and I was bawling my eyes out. Then she healed him, and I cried even more. I went to see Tangled Ever After in the theater because I had to see their wedding. I watch the TV series on Disney channel because I love the movie and I love them. I love all their little moments. They make me happy.
4. Hiccup and Astrid (How to Train your Dragon)
My second favorite movie of all time. I loved how he was in love with her from the start. She is such a badass and he loves her for it. When she finds out about Toothless and goes for a ride, you can see that she's starting to understand and really fall for him. All Romantic Flight is my favorite scene and score from that movie. When she kissed him at the end I was so happy. The second film showed more and showed to me that they are meant to be together. I love the Netflix show because it showcases their development from the first film into the second where they really are a couple. I cannot wait for the third film for more. They better be engaged or married in the final film, I swear. Even Stoic knew she was his future daughter in law.
3. Sam and Freddie (iCarly)

SEDDIE!!!!!!!!!! OK, this is a long one. I was originally a Creddie fan, but after the whole iSaved your life fiasco I was crushed. That is when I realized that Sam had feelings for Freddie and it all began. I analyzed ever moment they had. I kept waiting for the day for them to realize that they were meant for each other. I think Sam knew that she had feelings for Freddie after their first kiss but she suppressed it. After almost four seasons she finally made a move and she kissed him. iOMG was one of the best moments. I was screaming, crying and jumping up and down. Then it got better when he kissed her on iCarly saying that they were both crazy. It's still one of my favorite scenes. Then the worst thing happened. They broke up after only being together for four episodes. It still breaks my heart when they said I love you to each other. The reason they broke up was stupid and I hated it. Then when the final episode happened there was some hope that they could rekindle their love. I was so mad when Carly kissed Freddie, we all knew he still loved Sam. We got some info that they still loved one another in Sam and Cat, but it never went further them that. I have been reading an 820 page fan-fiction about them. That's how crazy I am over them. Hopefully since it has been ten years since the first season of iCarly the creator will do a ten year reunion like he did with Zoey 101. One where they are together! I can always hope. I am 20 and I still ship this to the core. SEDDIE!
2. Betty and Jughead (Riverdale)

This ship has taken over my year and pretty much my life. This show only started this year they are already my second favorite couple of all time. I have not shipped something so hard since some of the others on this list. Bless Bughead. I had a funny feeling that Jughead liked Betty in the second episode. Then when he kissed her in the six one, I knew I was in it forever. Their kiss was so sweet and meaningful. We got to see them fall in love with each other. My favorite Bughead moment is when Jughead has his hat off after their big fight and she reveals her dark side. He kisses her hands and they both understand each other's faults and that they can make it through anything. It was so raw and emotional and showed true love. I also love their almost sex scene because DAMN THAT SHIT WAS SO FUCKING HOT. Thank you Riverdale for making me obsessed with the song Believer. I have at least ten fan fictions I am reading right now about them. I started a Tumblr for them, and I have stickers and pins that how obsessed I have become. I love every single deleted scene that shows their love. They are soulmates, they are endgame. I will go down with this ship. Also bless Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart for bringing these characters to life and making their love be one for the centuries. I also now ship Sproushart because that chemistry is in real life and they are basically dating. I love both the characters and the actors. Damn you, Bughead, for taking over my life. Bless you, though. for making love look how it should. Also can I have my own Jughead or Cole Sprouse please.
1. Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter)
My first ever ship. The only reason I loved Harry Potter before the six movie. I waited for each movie to see them get together or at least have cute moments. Then I went and read all the books before Deathly Hallows, and really fell in love with the series. This is when my first big obsession happened. I would watch scenes over again because I knew that they loved each other. She never loved Harry that way, and that's how it was meant to be. They are not the perfect couple, they're far from it, but they show the growth in people. They show you that you always need to work to make a relationship great. When I read the kiss I jumped like crazy I was so happy that they finally made it. Then when I read the epilogue as I cried. I screamed because they were married and had two red-headed kids. I couldn't wait for the last two movies to see their scenes, dances, and hand holding. My favorite scene is when Ron comes back and tells her the story of the tiny ball of light. It's my favorite in the movie and in the book. The kiss is what I had been waiting to see since I was four. It was great at the time. There could have been better angles, but I won't get into that today. They will love each other forever no matter what anyone says, including JK Rowling. This what I saw love to be, and I have Harry Potter to thank for it. It made me believe in love. It got me excited to see more. I always have hope. They will always be my favorite ship. I love Ron and Hermione.
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