Dorm Room Tour

Hi, guys! Happy Friday. My second week of classes went really well.  I finally got a schedule down and I am so happy I now have time to myself. My dorm room is my baby, I am in it most of the time, but still love to get out and have fun around the town.

When it comes to having a place to hang out, my room is the place to be. Everyone loves how Amelia and I set up the room, and we have movies nights regularly, and Just Dance parties as well. Here is my room and I hope y'all love it!

Welcome to Barbie's Dream House! 

View outside of my room! 

My Desk!

 Amelia's desk!

Amelia Top, Katlyn bottom. 

Yes, I have a corgi picture. 

Hope you all liked the little tour. I love my dorm and I am so happy I am spending all year here. See you Monday!


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