First Week Back

Being back in Savannah is wonderful. Having a full schedule and something to do everyday is stressful but exhilarating at the same time. I was a little nervous going back to a full schedule of classes since last quarter I had an online class. I was also dreading my life drawing, as I have never been great at the subject and have been putting it off for a while. But my first week was amazing, and here is why.

Dress Wrap .  Slip. Black Heel Boots. 

This winter I am taking Intro to Fashion, French I, and Life Drawing. So I have fashion at 8 AM on Monday and Wednesday. Then I have french right after that. I have life drawing on Tuesday and Thursday at 8 AM as well. So early mornings are a constant for me and I am exhausted. 

My fashion class is AMAZING! I decided to take a class with a brand new professor to SCAD. My first project is creating a trend report for Spring 2018. I love this, and already have a muse for my whole class. Also, my professor is wonderful, and I know I am going to learn a lot. So my first day went really well. French was intimidating as all hell though. I am going to have to practice a bunch, but it is going to be really hard. 

Now with Life Drawing, I was surprised with it being okay on the first day. This class is going to be a lot of work, but I am hopeful for the future. Being back in warm weather has been quite nice, on Thursday it was in the 60s and it felt like spring. 
I love being back with my friends: doing and talking about stupid shit. Now I get to have a long weekend and I have so much homework, but I am ready for what this quarter brings. 
See you guys on Monday for my favorite male TV characters. 


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