Top Songs of January 2018
The new year has brought out the best of the best. In just the first few weeks, we have gotten a new BORNS album and a small EP from the Neighbourhood. This month has been a peach when it comes to music, so I am hoping February does the same. Here are my top songs of the month.
7. Africa- Toto
This song has been on repeat for the last few weeks of December and most of this month. I blame Stranger Things and my friend Ian for getting me addicted to this song. It is such a jam, and now my friends and I have a running joke to go along with it.
6. Havana- Camilla Cabello ft Young Thug
I did not like this song when it first came out. I am not usually one for main stream pop, but I finally listened to it fully and I love this song. Great beat and and good song to dance to. I am late to the trend but I won't get sick of it soon.
5. Surpernova- Ansel Elgort
This song is so good. Fantastic beat and the lyrics get into your soul. His voice is beautiful and I am a happy girl.
4. Filthy- Justin Timberlake
Back to the basics of Justin, and I am living for it. It sounds like his older songs but still on trend. It is a sexy song that gets you moving. Definitely going on my workout playlist.
3. My My My!- Troye Sivan
I am in love with this song. A great pop hit that will never get old. His voice is so inviting and tis is another song you get lost in. I cannot wait for the rest of his album.
2. Dust- The Neighbourhood
I have being listening to this whole EP for days, and I enjoy each song, but this is my favorite. It's darker then the rest and has a certain fantasy about it. I can imagine different scenarios to go with this song. I will be listening to this song way too much, but who cares.
1. God Save Our Young Blood- BORNS Ft Lana Del Rey
God blessed day, I am so happy that this song happened. Two great artist in one song. This came out on the 3rd and it was the first new song of the year for me. I am ecstatic that Lana is on this album, and the song is beautiful and I get lost in it. The rest of the BORNS album is great too, with Blue Monday being almost on this list. Hopefully next month has great music too.
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