Junior Year Of College

Another year has come and gone. Junior year was a time. I lived in an apartment dorm. My workload doubled. Drama and fixing relationships. This has been a year. I am proud of my work, and how far I have come with my designs. I hope my final year will be even better. 


A weird quarter. I had Advanced fashion sketching, Apparel two, and a fashion merchandising math class. It was tough for me as I struggled in Apparel two a lot. I also did not go out a lot and relied on so many people. The end of the term was hard as I was finishing my finals and trying to get my grades up when my grandfather died. I couldn't wait to go home, and I got on a plane right after my final to his wake. Winter was a lot better. 

Obsession of the term: Rise of the Phoenix


I battled with major anxiety and depression right when I got to school, and felt like crap. Not a fun way to start the term. I was in all fashion classes, with concept, history of fashion, and CAD. It was a lot of work. I really came into my own with my work and I am so proud of my finals. I loved HOF and I got two A's at the end of the term, which has never happened before. I started to go out and enjoy life more, and with all the stress it was a better quarter. 

Obsessions of the term: The Umbrella Academy and Sex Education 


This was a  chill quarter. I finally made myself an outfit and spent as much time making blocks for myself. Having Apparel three, Embroidery, and an English class this term was so much better. I went out a lot and spent the last remaining moments with Amelia as much as I could. I pushed myself in my work and my grades proved it. This was one of the first times where all my grades were great throughout the whole quarter. I am sad that the year has ended, but I am ready for senior year and a new chapter in my life.

Obsession of the term: Lucifer

Photographer: Alix Rogers


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