Taylor Swifts "folklore" Album Review

I was originally going to post my second Lana album review, but Taylor Swift decided to shock us with a new album on Friday.
Now I am not a huge Taylor fan. I do love a lot of her music, but also do not like a good amount as well. However, this album fully socked me and I love every single song. Taylors last album was to poppy for me, where this mixes indie with pop and just makes a complete beautiful album.

From the first track to are taken on a dreamy ride, to a roller coaster of emotions. A perfect album to listen while daydreaming, or while its raining and you need a ride. I will put into a list my favorite songs, and link where to listen to her album.

If 'folklore' is Taylor Swift 'embracing imperfection,' let's all ...

1. exile ft. Bon Iver 

2. the 1

3. my tears ricochet 

4. cardigan

5. the last great american dynasty

6. invisible string 

7. august

8. this is me trying 

9. seven

10. betty

11. mad woman

12. mirrorball

13. hoax

14. illicit affairs 

15. peace

16. epiphany 


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