Most Hated Ships of All Time
I am sick and there are only three weeks left of school so this week has been super stressful. I was getting homework done yesterday, when I watched a YouTube video of TV characters that should have ended up together. I should not have watched it because then I went on a rampage with some of their choices and I was angry. So my friend suggest I do this as it would be comparing to my Top Ships. Here they are. I hate them so much. Spoiler Alert ahead
10. Draco and Hermione (Harry Potter)

This doesn't even make any sense. He treated her like shit throughout the whole series. Yes, I get the bad boy and smart girl get together niche, but still he never showed any compassion towards her at all. Not in the books or the movies. Also their kids belong together. So they cannot be together if Scorpius and Rose are going to get together. Enough said.
9. Lydia and Jackson (Teen Wolf)

Such a toxic relationship. He is an abuser and he makes her feel horrible all the time. Thank the lord they were only together for two seasons, and she got with Stiles at the end. Although in the last episode, the way they reunited pissed me off,. She didn't run to Stiles when he came back but she did with Jackson.Why?
8. Riley and Ben (Baby Daddy)

Riley belongs with Danny! Yes, she has been in love with Ben for her whole life, but she was obsessive and it was not good for her. Also when Ben finally realizes that he likes her, she is torn between Danny and him. They get together and break up three times. She needed to see that she did not belong with him, but with Danny. She did and they got married and have a baby, so I am happy in the end.
7. Ted and Robin (How I Met Your Mother)

They were good together the first two seasons and that was it. The way they ended HIMYM was horrible and made me hate the whole series. They focused so much on Robin and Barney and we got to see them get married. We got to see Ted meet his future wife. Then it all went to shit when Barney and Robin divorced and Ted's wife died of cancer leaving the last ten minutes of the show for them to get back together. I hate it so much. All that build up for two people who did not make it work.
6. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen

We all saw it coming but still it's so wrong. Each episode we saw the build up and the last episode made it all happen. They finally get together and sleep with one another. This is all happening when Bran is explaining to Sam that Jon is a Targaryen and that she is his aunt. This show already has incest, we do not need anymore. I screamed at my TV when this episode came out and I was on the floor yelling and swearing. Let's see what happens when they find out they are related.
5. Archie and Betty (Riverdale)

Just no! I get that the comics were all about the love triangle but Riverdale is not. He already says to her in the first episode that he is not enough for her, and never will be. Then happiness happens and she gets together with Jughead. (We know I love Bughead too much) But as the season progresses, we see that Archie is jealous of Jughead and he is starting to see that he might love Betty, all while dating Veronica. So let's hope and pray that Bughead stays strong and Barchie (or Archetty) does not happen. Side note: My friend had to find me a gif because all I could find was Bughead which makes me so happy.
4. Zuko and Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender)

They are great as friends. I love that friendship a lot, but a couple they are not. It takes her a long time to trust him again and when she does, she starts to notice she has feelings for Aang. It's cute but a no for me. Also Legend of Korra put Mako and Korra together just to satisfy those shippers from before. Katara marries Aang and things are all good.
3. Harry and Hermione (Harry Potter)

I get why everyone wanted them together, they did not read the damn books. In the movies their chemistry was good, and sometimes better then her and Ron, but still they should not end up together. They are brother and sister, thats how it always has been and will be. She belongs with Ron, the books do a better job of showing it but still I never got on the wagon of Harry and Hermione together and I never will.
2. Carly and Freddie (iCarly)

I hate this so much. I was a Creddie shipper at the start of iCarly, but then after the taco truck and Carly falling in love with Freddie only to realize it was fake broke my 11 year old heart. Then I saw that Sam was in love with him and that started a whole new thing. But after Sam and Freddie broke up, we get Carly kissing him in the last fucking episode of iCarly which leaves the audience wondering if he is in love with Sam or Carly. After 10 years of iCarly, people still wonder who he choose. I hate Creddie so much. The episode on YouTube that I watched today said they should have ended up together. I was about to throw something. They will never get together.
1. Klaus and Caroline (The Vampire Diaries)

I watched The Originals before I watched TVD so I did not get why this was such a big thing. I loved Klaus and Cami so much. When she died, it was so hard to watch. As the final season of TO draws near, we are getting more and more info on the final season. Caroline is set to be in the first episode and I AM NOT HAPPY. NO TO THIS! Yes, Stephen died and so did Cami, and it has been a couple of years. But no they do not belong together. Just because her twins and Hope are going to the same school does not mean anything. Also the letter that he gave her in the last TVD episode with the money for the school made me go bat shit. I could not scream because I was in my dorm, but I was silently hitting the air and screaming on the inside. Then I called my friend screaming that this shit is going to happen. I will see what happens with the final season and hope that they do not become endgame.
So my rant is over and I am going to sleep and try to get better. See you guys on Friday.
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