My Top Bughead Moments So Far
Everyone knows I have an obsession with Bughead and crave every new scene that comes out. They are perfect for each other and have beautiful moments. I am sharing my top 21 scenes from season one and the first two episodes that have aired for season 2. There are over 60 that I had to choose from and it was so hard to narrow them down and then order them. Enjoy and SPOILER ALERT!
When I saw what the promo pictures for this episode were, I could not wait for this sweet moment. With all the stuff going on in their lives, he helps her throw this beautiful shower for her sister. I love his sarcastic comment on how it was on his bucket list. So cute.
Our parents should get to know each other! He is so serious about this girl that it's adorable. He is already thinking of marrying this girl and you know it.
Look at you, checking your man out. I love how it is subtle but she is just like, 'Damn, you clean up well, Mr. Jones.' So cute and look at his puppy dog face. Also, look at those suspenders!
He DREAMED ABOUT HER! I love this different world, a throwback of sorts to the original comics. It has a dark twist and he dreamed that they are married! Look at that ring! Can that happen in the next ten years? This is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
21. I Believe You, Jughead

Supportive Bughead is the best. Betty will always stay by his side and help him through any problems that may come. She believes in him and nothing will change that.
20. Organizing a Baby Shower/Bucket List

When I saw what the promo pictures for this episode were, I could not wait for this sweet moment. With all the stuff going on in their lives, he helps her throw this beautiful shower for her sister. I love his sarcastic comment on how it was on his bucket list. So cute.
19. All About the Beast Within

This is so adorable and yet so cringy, but I love it. You know what's coming, Betty Copper, don't you. Episode 10 was just full of great moments, and this was a lighthearted one that led to the heavy stuff that we needed.
18. Happy Birthday, Jughead

When she came out and sang Happy Birthday, it is was almost like another world. He was so amazed, shocked, and broken that she did this for him. He has never had this before and he doesn't really know how to react. She will always try to make him happy.
17. Parents Together

Our parents should get to know each other! He is so serious about this girl that it's adorable. He is already thinking of marrying this girl and you know it.
16. Walking In the Rain

Their second scene as a new item shows just after one kiss how well acquainted they are getting with one another. I love the walking and hand holding in the rain at night. Also how Jughead is awkward about this, but smiles anyway after they kiss like a little puppy.
15. Snow Fall Walk

This is an underrated, but important scene. Betty is afraid that with Jughead transferring to South Side High that they will drift about. She has to remind him that he belongs in Riverdale and he will always belong there, and be apart of the town.
14. The Look

This is the first official Bughead scene. When you first watch the show, you think she is looking at Archie and that she feels for him. WRONG! After you watch it a couple of times you can see that Jughead has a crush on Betty and that when she looks at the pair of them, he comes in focus before Archie. This is a pivotal moment for them and you can see the start of something great.
13. Not Our Parents, Betty

God, I love this character. He will always be there for her and I absolutely love how he is the one to tell her that it is not her fault and that they are their own people and not just their parents. This is a very important moment between these two.
12. Damn Boy

Look at you, checking your man out. I love how it is subtle but she is just like, 'Damn, you clean up well, Mr. Jones.' So cute and look at his puppy dog face. Also, look at those suspenders!
11. Hold On Tight

Season 2 has already blessed us with so many scenes in just the first few episodes. I saw this little tease of Jughead having a motorcycle and I am all for it. I am getting strong Sons of Anarchy vibes and I am living! He is like 'Don't go slow. It's more dangerous. We have to go fast!' Aghh! I love this boy being more easy going and sarcastic.
10. Soul Mates

Veronica ships it. The way they hold each other is a dream. With Veronica saying to Archie that they are each other's soulmates, you know that this couple will last, that they will go through hardships but they will always be together.
9. Always a Gentleman, Mr. Jones

F.P Jones also ships it! It's a cute little moment. Of course, you're a gentleman, Jughead! You always are.
8. I Support You

After one of their best scenes together, the tensions were high. After their discussion in Pops, she comes to realize that whatever decision he makes, she will support him. Also, that kiss was so good, and a great way to end the first episode of season 2.
7. I Was Going To Stay For You

Poor, little Jughead. He went through a whole talk with his Dad that he wanted to stay in Riverdale, and he was going to talk to Betty about it. But then Archie and Veronica had to drag her into their mess and make Jughead believe that she was apart of it. The raw emotion from these two is so powerful and this scene always gets me.
6. I'm Weird, I'm a Weirdo

God, this moment gets me so good. Even though it is their first major fight, it is so important. He finally gets out what he has been feeling and even though he is a dumb ass for saying it, this was good to let out so they could grow as a couple. He loves her so much and is afraid that she will leave him for Archie, but that is not happening.
5. Just Like Me

Season 2 Jughead is my new favorite thing. Look at that boy being sly and sexy AF. That finger touch to her chin! OMG! Yes, please! I want more, more, more! Yes, just like you, Jughead, we always want that.
4. Dream A Little Dream Of Me

He DREAMED ABOUT HER! I love this different world, a throwback of sorts to the original comics. It has a dark twist and he dreamed that they are married! Look at that ring! Can that happen in the next ten years? This is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
3. Hey There, Juliet/Nurse Off Duty

Their fist kiss was everything. This is the moment where I went from "Oh, they are so getting together" to "YAS, BITCH! THEY ARE MY NEW FAVORITE OTP!" This is where my obsession started. The reference to Romeo and Juliet made it wonderful, and then BAM he gets the courage and kisses her. Yes, Jughead, take charge!
2. I Love You/ Believer

This is a two for one special. My God! Yes! More Please! The last episode of season one gave me everything I ever wanted. First, they finally say 'I love you' to one another. I screamed, of course. But then after Archie and Veronica's rendezvous, Jughead is pressing her against that kitchen counter and biting her neck and about to take it to the next level. Also, this scene made me obsessed with the song Believer for months. I will always associate that song with this moment. Then they get interrupted and he puts on that Serpent jacket and things change. She still loves that jacket though and you know she wants to strip that off of him. Side note: He took of his hat to say those words to her. God, I love this boy.
1. Something Is Seriously Wrong With Me

My absolute favorite scene of theirs! After their big fight during his birthday party, and then with Jughead punching Chuck for Betty, this scene shows them coming to terms that they have problems and that they need to communicate. He opens up that he is scared of being alone and losing her, and she tells him that she has some mental issues herself and self harms. The moment that this got me was when he takes her scared hands and brings them to his lips and kisses them, trying to make them better for her. YAS BITCH! God, I love it so much! Omg! I will always cry during this. He also takes off his hat, as it is his security blanket, and shows her the real emotion. This scene made them into a couple that will last a lifetime. The kiss makes it complete and shows the real emotion of these two. Forever my favorite scene!
So this was my top Bughead scenes! I also want to talk about episode three of season two that just aired on Wednesday real quick since I made the list before it aired. Why the hell is Jughead lying to Betty? What happened to the communication? That made me so mad! Just tell her that you got jumped, you dip shit! Plus note: they got steamy in the office of South Side High, but again they were interrupted by another Serpent. Oh well, still an amazing moment. Next week's episode shows Betty lying to Jughead yet again, so again not happy about that. However, she is waking up next to him, so I am so excited.
Thanks to Bughead Central on Tumblr which is where I found all of these amazing gifs!
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