Riverdale Mid Season Review
As we all know Riverdale has taken over my life this year and has become one of my favorite shows to date. After season one ended in May, I could not wait for season 2, to see what happend after that amazing season 1 final. We did not have to wait a year and we got the new season in just 5 months. So with me reading Bughead fan-fiction all summer I was over the moon when season 2 premiered on October 11th! With my initial reaction I loved the premiere, but as the season progressed it turned into a shit storm of writing, plot holes, and uncharacteristic developments. So I will be going through all 9 episodes that have premiered and review them, I am re-watching each episode as I write this and will share what I felt when I first watched it and how I feel about it now. Sit back as I delve deep into the trouble waters that is Riverdale season 2.
Spoilers Ahead!!!! Skip to Summery if you do not want Spoilers!
S02 E01: Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying

This episode was all about Archie and his dad, Jugheads aftermath with the serpents, Betty dealing with both, and Veronica having her dad back. This episode had high hopes, and was a good start to the season. We start off seeing the aftermath of Fred being shot, and we see Archie going to PSD as well as Fred dreaming while going through surgery. The scene where they are graduating had me crying, especially knowing what happens later. Betty tells her mom about her and Jugheads almost hookup, and it is cringy and Mama Coop is funny as ever. Then Jughead gets on a motorcycle and I AM LIVING! Another cute moment was when Betty tells Kevin that she told Jughead that they love one another. During all of this we have Cheryl being crazy and I love it.
But what I look from the episode was Archie not being OK. Veronica not taking shit anymore, and my Bughead being OK and communicating. That kiss in the rain was amazing, and we end the episode with Grundy being killed! I loved it, I hated her and her being a pedophile. So we were kicking off the season in a good start.
But what I look from the episode was Archie not being OK. Veronica not taking shit anymore, and my Bughead being OK and communicating. That kiss in the rain was amazing, and we end the episode with Grundy being killed! I loved it, I hated her and her being a pedophile. So we were kicking off the season in a good start.
S02 E02: Chapter Fifteenth: Nighthawks

This episode was meh in my opinion. We have the gang still going through with what was happening the last episode then we got the Pop Shop being shut down. So Betty sets out to keep it open for everyone, mostly Jug. Then we see Veronica still hating her family and saying Daddy way to much. Jughead is trying to gets FPs sentence to be shorter and calls the Serpents for help. This leads Betty to threatened Cheryl into helping the court case saying she forgives FP. So we got Dark Betty Back! But then the Serpents tell Jughead to call the local Lawyer Penny. She gets FP a better deal but she says she is friends with Jugehead but she is not! (I hate this stupid bitch) Also the Serpents are way to much like Sons of Anarchy and I know how that ends, not good. Them all at Pops for the fundraiser was cute but disappointing, we did get amazing Bughead scenes but that was it and The Pussycats cover of Milkshake was kinda bad. Then with Archie is still suffering from PSD so we have him being scared and trying to be a hero so we end the episode with him buying a gun, like a dumb-ass, then we end the last second to Moose and Midge during Jingle Jangle (Local Drug). The Black-hood figure comes again and shoots them both.
My fav moments were: Bughead obviously. Jughead and Veronica having a scene. Other then that this episode was a let down, and the shooter reminded me to much of the Zodiac killer when I first watched it.
My fav moments were: Bughead obviously. Jughead and Veronica having a scene. Other then that this episode was a let down, and the shooter reminded me to much of the Zodiac killer when I first watched it.
S02 E03: Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods

This is when shit started to hit the fan. Moose and Midge are OK but Moose is in the hospital. Veronica is trying to make amends with her dad, and wants the core four to meet him. Everyone is rallied up about the shooter again and Betty is suspishes about Kevin doing stuff in the woods. Jughead then goes to South Side High and we meet Toni Topaz a Serpent who shows him around the school and which places to stay out of. Archie decides to start a group called the Red Circle to keep Riverdale save since the police are not doing things right. It is so bad and not a good idea, Archie is not thinking at all.
Alice gets a coded message from the Killer (The Black-hood) and publishes it into the paper. It is way to much like The Zodiac Killer and it makes me mad that the writers could not think of anything better. Jughead starts up the school paper at Southside High, and starts to dig deep into the Serpents and the Goulies. Moose and Kevin have a cute moment in the hospital and it really breaks up Kevin and hat he has been doing in the woods. This goes with Betty and Kevin's fight after Cheryl tells her that he is in the woods again. This was my favorite scene of this episode because it puts Betty in her place since she was not acting like a good friend. After this is when the episode went to shit with Jughead being messed up by the Gouluies, and then lying to Betty that he fell off the bike. Like bitch what happend to communicating. Then we see Archie make a video that he is after the Blackhood and that all have red masks on with is so stupid. Veronica's mom is acting like a bitch to her own daughter and its so disturbing. When the episode ends we have Kevin realizing that what he was doing was not safe and he tells his dad everything. Then Jughead is now sitting with the Serpents and is starting to get into that mess. Then Archies video ends the episode. I hated this and was hoping for the next episode to be better. Boy was I wrong.
My favorite moments were when Cheryl was being a little snoop. We finally hear Jugheads real name. Hermione calling Veronica thirsty. Betty and Jugheads moment in the office, and him calling her his girlfriend.
Alice gets a coded message from the Killer (The Black-hood) and publishes it into the paper. It is way to much like The Zodiac Killer and it makes me mad that the writers could not think of anything better. Jughead starts up the school paper at Southside High, and starts to dig deep into the Serpents and the Goulies. Moose and Kevin have a cute moment in the hospital and it really breaks up Kevin and hat he has been doing in the woods. This goes with Betty and Kevin's fight after Cheryl tells her that he is in the woods again. This was my favorite scene of this episode because it puts Betty in her place since she was not acting like a good friend. After this is when the episode went to shit with Jughead being messed up by the Gouluies, and then lying to Betty that he fell off the bike. Like bitch what happend to communicating. Then we see Archie make a video that he is after the Blackhood and that all have red masks on with is so stupid. Veronica's mom is acting like a bitch to her own daughter and its so disturbing. When the episode ends we have Kevin realizing that what he was doing was not safe and he tells his dad everything. Then Jughead is now sitting with the Serpents and is starting to get into that mess. Then Archies video ends the episode. I hated this and was hoping for the next episode to be better. Boy was I wrong.
My favorite moments were when Cheryl was being a little snoop. We finally hear Jugheads real name. Hermione calling Veronica thirsty. Betty and Jugheads moment in the office, and him calling her his girlfriend.
S02 E04: Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

This was one of the worst episodes of this show ever. At the end I was yelling at my TV for them being so stupid. This is when Betty starts to go into a dark place, the Black-Hood starts to target her. Saying that he is doing it for her and that it is all her fault. Archie is being stupid with the video about the Red Circle and it is horrible writing and after this episode it just goes away. Jughead is trying to figure out codes from the letters of the Black-Hood and has Toni help him in the process. Which is annoying and he lies to Betty yet again. They decided to de-code the letter together with Toni and it goes into a yelling match about the North and South side. Then later Archie gets the gun and it turns into a shit how. He goes around the South Side putting Red Circle everywhere and when the Serpents catch him and pull a knife on him he brings out a gun and threatens them. Like WTF, WHY! Archie what are you doing honey. I can't with this, not like his character and it was bad writing. Also he brought the gun to school and hid it in the toilet.
Jughead finally finds out Betty was lying to him about the letter she got with the code, and was furious yet he still was comforting and such a great boyfriend. This is when she figures out the code that it was up to her all along. While Archie and the football team are together the Serpents show up and they all have a showdown. This was basically the Outsides and it was a great fight scene but so stupid and not important. Veronica is the one to stop it with shooting the gun into the air and then throwing it into the river. At the end of the episode Betty gets a call from the Black-Hood and that goes into the next episode.
My favorite moments were when: Veronica was not taking Archie's Red Circle shit. I love mama Coop. Messy hair Jughead, their high difference and the cute little kiss. Waking up together in one another arms. Jughead being supportive and cute. Also detective team back together again.
S02 E05: Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls

This episode ruined the song Lollipop for me. Also this episode makes me ball my eyes out every time. I was on the floor crying when it ended holding my stuffed animal. It starts off right where we left off with Betty's phone call and he threatens Polly and says that Betty has to do what he says. Betty tells Archie and only him, and they keep it to themselves. Jughead starts to get deep into the Serpents in this episode. He realizes that he has to stand with them to keep the piece and to keep close with his father. He has to go through initiation and do a bunch of tests to become a Serpent, which leads to bad things. Also Toni called him Juggie, hell no bitch.
Veronicas old flame comes to town for an event and things do not go well. He bring drugs to a party, and try to make a move on her. She of course turns him town, but this leads him to go after Cheryl later by drugging her. Betty is dealing with the Black-Hood with all of this a publishes an article about her mom on the Bhoods request. Betty and Jugheads last scene together before it got really bad was amazing. Them just wanting to run away with each other like Romeo and Juliet but with the happy ending was heartbreaking and I knew that it was going downhill from there. At the party that Nick and Veronica have Betty has to end thing with Veronica to save another life, which she does and the Bhood tells her to do one last thing. Break up with Jughead. Betty cannot do it so she has Archie go tell Jughead for her and to do it gently.
Jughead has to go through the Gutlet and let the Serpents beat him up to show his loyalty. Before he goes through this Archie shows up and is mad he is joining the Serpents and blurts out Betty does not want him anymore and this makes Jughead go through with joining the Serpents. Also Jugs face made me ball even more.
After Nick almost rapes Cheryl, Veronica and the Pussycats find them and beat up Nick and they finally tell everyone what he was doing. I love that scene it was amazing and finally something good happend.
Jughead has to go through the Gutlet and let the Serpents beat him up to show his loyalty. Before he goes through this Archie shows up and is mad he is joining the Serpents and blurts out Betty does not want him anymore and this makes Jughead go through with joining the Serpents. Also Jugs face made me ball even more.
After Nick almost rapes Cheryl, Veronica and the Pussycats find them and beat up Nick and they finally tell everyone what he was doing. I love that scene it was amazing and finally something good happend.
This episode ends with the Black-Hood making Betty go to an abandoned house and she puts on a mask and see that she is like the Bhood. Cheryl wants to press charges on Nick and will do anything to make him pay. Toni is helping Jughead clean up and she finds out Betty broke up with him and kisses him. BITCH NOW I HATE YOU! Also they used Sign of the Times during this scene like do not use one of my favorite songs. Just No! Betty gets another call and and he knows that Archie knows about everything and she has to give another name or he will hurt Polly, so she gives him Nicks.
This episode was the best of the season so far, the drama was amazing and it finally had a good plot line. Even though it broke my heart, it was one of the best episodes.
This episode was the best of the season so far, the drama was amazing and it finally had a good plot line. Even though it broke my heart, it was one of the best episodes.
My favorite moments were: Archie being a good friend. Alice past revealed. We see Hotdog. Romeo and Juliet moment! Alice walking in the room looking like a badass Serpent, Yas Queen! Even Sweet Pea knew Archie was lying about Betty. Even through Jughead got beaten up he looked so damn hot.
S02 E06: Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof
We get Jugheads narration back and he is writing about the Bhood and this revels that Toni spent the night. Like hell no again. They did not do anything besides kiss but still hate it. Betty is worried that Nick was killed but the Bhood did nothing to him. But Nick gets arrested for drugging Cheryl, but Mama Blossom does not want her to press charges and to let things go quiet. Jughead starts to write in the school news paper about drugs and the teacher finds out he joined the Serpents and this makes Jughead go after the drug dealers for the Serpents. South side gets raided by cops and all the Serpents besides Jughead are arrested, thanks to Archies warning.
Veronica is still mad at Betty, and the Bhood is still calling her and will not stop. He tells her to find out who the Sugerman is and that he is the root of the drug problem. Jughead warns Tall Boy and he finds out that the Serpents are starting to deal drugs with the Goulies. Like seriously this is becoming Sons of Anarchy season 2 and I am not OK with it. Betty starts to go around and to question the Sheriff for more info on the Bhood, Veronica sees this and Betty tells her everything, so they make up. We go back to Jughead and Archie talking to FP in jail and he suggest a street race with the Goulies to get them off their backs. This is when Veronica and Betty try to find the Sugarman and run into Archie and Jughead and find out what is going on.
Cheryl runs into Nick and realizes that he needs to be put down and that she is pressing charges. This leads to Veronica telling her parents what Nick did to her, and they are not happy. After that we see the race, Betty is working on the car that Jughead will drive and they finally talk about their breakup, he tells her that he did the one thing that could hurt him, and she says that she will explain later. The race starts and they go head to head, but Archie says to pull back and makes Jughead drive off to the side because the cops are waiting at the end of the line. One note is that the Goulies car is from the 30's and can not outrun Jugheads car that is clearly faster so that made me mad. Archie had this planned from the beginning and was smart for once. We finally find out that the Sugarman is the main drug dealer from Papa Blossom, and Cheryl tells Betty, and she brings it to the police. Betty finally lays down the law with him and tells him that she is coming and he better watch out.
The Sugarman was the teacher at South Side that helped Jughead with the paper. I was shocked and did not see that coming at all. Then The Lodges find out that Nick was in a car accident but they are not sad about and probably had something to do with it. Then we end with the Black-Hood going to the police station and killing the Sugarman. Not a bad episode but it was just OK. But my babies got back together so I was happy.
The Sugarman was the teacher at South Side that helped Jughead with the paper. I was shocked and did not see that coming at all. Then The Lodges find out that Nick was in a car accident but they are not sad about and probably had something to do with it. Then we end with the Black-Hood going to the police station and killing the Sugarman. Not a bad episode but it was just OK. But my babies got back together so I was happy.
My favorite moments were: Archie tells Jughead to talk to Betty. We see FP. The mighty Serpent Prince! I love Cheryl so much that scene was amazing. "You're an enigma Cooper".
S02 E07: Chapter Twenty: Tale From the Darkside

This episode was so cool. It starts out with a little Service like announcement and goes into three different story plot lines. Each three stories co-exist with one another a we start off with the Black-Hood telling everyone he killed the Sugarman. Also we get to see Betty and Jughead in one another arms and it is beautiful and I cry.
Archie and Jughead: Jughead gets a call from Penny and she has a favor to ask of him. He has to deliver a package to Greendale before the deadline. Archie tags along to help and things go haywire. They get a flat tire and Jughead gets a ride from a random gentleman and he tells him about the story of The Riverdale Reaper. This leads to the back story of the Bhood and we now know of a murder mystery from years ago. This was very interesting and I love what the writers did to bring out this plot of the story. Very creepy but it worked very well. Then Jughead finds out Penny lied to him and she now has him in her grip and he is in trouble.
Archie and Jughead: Jughead gets a call from Penny and she has a favor to ask of him. He has to deliver a package to Greendale before the deadline. Archie tags along to help and things go haywire. They get a flat tire and Jughead gets a ride from a random gentleman and he tells him about the story of The Riverdale Reaper. This leads to the back story of the Bhood and we now know of a murder mystery from years ago. This was very interesting and I love what the writers did to bring out this plot of the story. Very creepy but it worked very well. Then Jughead finds out Penny lied to him and she now has him in her grip and he is in trouble.
Josie: We have her writing her own solo music when Cheryl starts to say to have her own music. This is when Josie starts getting creepy notes and gifts from a secret admire. She thinks it is all from Chuck after Cheryl tells her that it is most likely coming from him. Josie gets pigs heart and a note from her admire and blames it on Chuck, but then we find out later that it was Cheryl doing all of this when she is alone and draws her and Josie together. So Cheryl is acting like a crazy bitch and I kinda love it, but then I am not OK with her stalking Josie.
Betty and Veronica: We start off this story with Betty and Jughead in bed together. I got to see this scene three times and I am so happy. But we see Betty realizing that she needs to do something. Betty thinks that the Sheriff is the Bhood, while Veronica thinks he is having an affair. Veronica decides to have a sleepover at Kevin's to find out what is going on. She creeps for Betty and find the Sheriff working out in the basement. Like damn again with the Riverdale dads being way to hot. Betty is still convinced that he is the killer so she breaks into Kevin's house and finds all the evidence, but the Sheriff finds her. He tells her that it is all the evidence from the murders and that she is free to go but he is not the Bhood. Betty is still ot OK with this so Veronica and her go to see where the Sheriff has been going off to and we see that he is having an affair with the Mayor, Josie's Mom. I am not OK with Betty doing all of this, she needs to trust more and the affair is not OK since Kevin's mom is away in the service, so I hate the Sheriff right now.
We end the episode with all of the stories coming together at Pops where the Bhood calls Pop and says that they all failed his test and the reckoning is upon them. Great episode but this leads into the worst episode in Riverdale history.
Betty and Veronica: We start off this story with Betty and Jughead in bed together. I got to see this scene three times and I am so happy. But we see Betty realizing that she needs to do something. Betty thinks that the Sheriff is the Bhood, while Veronica thinks he is having an affair. Veronica decides to have a sleepover at Kevin's to find out what is going on. She creeps for Betty and find the Sheriff working out in the basement. Like damn again with the Riverdale dads being way to hot. Betty is still convinced that he is the killer so she breaks into Kevin's house and finds all the evidence, but the Sheriff finds her. He tells her that it is all the evidence from the murders and that she is free to go but he is not the Bhood. Betty is still ot OK with this so Veronica and her go to see where the Sheriff has been going off to and we see that he is having an affair with the Mayor, Josie's Mom. I am not OK with Betty doing all of this, she needs to trust more and the affair is not OK since Kevin's mom is away in the service, so I hate the Sheriff right now.
We end the episode with all of the stories coming together at Pops where the Bhood calls Pop and says that they all failed his test and the reckoning is upon them. Great episode but this leads into the worst episode in Riverdale history.
My favorite moments were: The Aura of the episode. Betty and Jughead in bed together, we see this three times! Archie and Jugheads friendship. Jugs snake tattoo with a crown on the top. Kevin being a nerd.
S02 E08: Chapter Twenty-One: The House of the Devil

This episode is complete shit, is ruined the characters, the writing, and the plot. I almost stopped watching Riverdale after this episode. I was drained and felt nothing after the episode. I was not even excited for the mid season finale that was airing the week after. So this one will be a full rant lets sit back as we tear this episode apart.
The episode started off really good , and we got Jugheads narration once more. Varchie being cute and having a lot of sex where Archie tells Veronica that he loves her. She does not say it back and she never really had a good example before. Betty and Jughead are doing OK and are throwing a party for FP since he got out of jail. Betty and Jughead want Archie and Veronica to take their place as being detectives while they throw the party. So we see Varchie looking into the Reaper murder and more into the Bhood. Also Cheryl massaging Josie was creepy, but then we see the janitor being weird as well. (Foreshadowing)
Betty tells her mom that Jughead is a Serpent now and that she will be throwing this Party, so Alice decides to tag along. FP gets out of jail and says he is done being a Serpent and he is on the right path. I love the scene where Betty and Jughead and their parents have a little dispute its so cute. Also Veronica and Archie are in a OK place but she does care for him and is not ready to say it. They start to dive into the Reapers backstory. Jughead and FP go on a little bike trip and FP tells Jughead that he needs to get out of the Serpents now, but Jug wants to stay. FP says it is OK as long as he keeps writing and goes to College. Like kill me, this scene was amazing I love both of them and it is the best scene of the episode. After this is when the episode went to hell.
FP got a job at Pops but Cheryl is there and makes FPs life a living hell. She does have a right but still it was hard to watch. With Betty throwing the retirement party for FP, she goes to the Whyte Wyrm and talks to Toni about how she can show her loyalty to the Serpents and to Jug. This is when Toni relives that the female Serpents have to do a dance to show that they are worthy. Like WTF with this misogyny bullshit. Jughead gets another call from Penny and he tells her that he is out, and she threatens that he has to do this or she will go after Betty. LIKE BITCH TRY ME. Archie and Veronica then find out that Mr. Svension the janitor was apart of the family that got killed by the Reaper and he changed his name and is the only survivor. Archie also realizes that he needs to here Veronica say that she loves him and starts acting weird around her, making things awkward.
Now on to what makes me hate this episode the most. So Varchie shows up at FPs party and so does Alice and Betty, with Betty walking in all sexy and the look on Jugheads face is priceless. Alice is acting like a Serpent and it is so fun to watch. Archie and Veronica are in a odd place where they get nominated to do karaoke together, so they sing Mad World. Veronica cannot finish the song so Betty goes on stage and starts to sing. AHHHHHHHHHHH!! As she sings Mad World she starts to strip down into sexy lingerie, and then starts to feel herself and starts to dance on a stripper pole. LIKE HELL NO. First of all she is only 16 fucking years old and is stripping in a bar in front of old gang members. Her mother sees this and does not even go up onto the stage to get her off. Jughead is shocked and hates that she is doing this. The old men clap for her as this is OK for a underage girl to strip in front of them. She can be in Jugheads word but not like this, this is not like Betty and was cringy and hard to watch. Lili looked amazing and sang beautifully but she is playing a 16 year old girl and the writers should have not done this. Then we have FP going on stage after Bettys performance and gives her his jacket and then he says he is a Serpent for life and is not going anywhere. This is all because he knows what Jughead has done with Penny and has sets deal that he is in and Jughead is out. The scene that breaks me even more is when FP tells Jughead this and says that he broke his heart. Like stop killing me. Then it gets even worse. We see Archie and Veronica fighting and she cannot do this anymore so they break up. Jughead goes out to talk to Betty and realizes that he has to break it off with her that she is in danger with this life that he is living. She says that they need to stop pushing each other away but he says to just go. He cannot let her get hurt and he already did this to his father and he cannot do it to her. So I am balling again, I already had to go through a Bughead breakup just two episode before and now my heart was ripped out yet again. It makes sense and they need to really discuss their problems, so I was not as upset but then shit hits the already stained fan. As Jughead narrates the end of the episode we have upset Archie going home and he see Betty through the window. As Jughead says the boy next door finally sees the girl next door for the very first time. They end the episode on fucking Barchie shit. The amount of screaming I had cannot even come to words.
They built up these characters to be strong and have different parts that make them diverse and compelling. Then we now see crappy writing that does not make sense, characters not acting like themselves and no they are bringing in the love triangle from the comics that does not work with how they have written these characters in the show.
The episode started off really good , and we got Jugheads narration once more. Varchie being cute and having a lot of sex where Archie tells Veronica that he loves her. She does not say it back and she never really had a good example before. Betty and Jughead are doing OK and are throwing a party for FP since he got out of jail. Betty and Jughead want Archie and Veronica to take their place as being detectives while they throw the party. So we see Varchie looking into the Reaper murder and more into the Bhood. Also Cheryl massaging Josie was creepy, but then we see the janitor being weird as well. (Foreshadowing)
Betty tells her mom that Jughead is a Serpent now and that she will be throwing this Party, so Alice decides to tag along. FP gets out of jail and says he is done being a Serpent and he is on the right path. I love the scene where Betty and Jughead and their parents have a little dispute its so cute. Also Veronica and Archie are in a OK place but she does care for him and is not ready to say it. They start to dive into the Reapers backstory. Jughead and FP go on a little bike trip and FP tells Jughead that he needs to get out of the Serpents now, but Jug wants to stay. FP says it is OK as long as he keeps writing and goes to College. Like kill me, this scene was amazing I love both of them and it is the best scene of the episode. After this is when the episode went to hell.
FP got a job at Pops but Cheryl is there and makes FPs life a living hell. She does have a right but still it was hard to watch. With Betty throwing the retirement party for FP, she goes to the Whyte Wyrm and talks to Toni about how she can show her loyalty to the Serpents and to Jug. This is when Toni relives that the female Serpents have to do a dance to show that they are worthy. Like WTF with this misogyny bullshit. Jughead gets another call from Penny and he tells her that he is out, and she threatens that he has to do this or she will go after Betty. LIKE BITCH TRY ME. Archie and Veronica then find out that Mr. Svension the janitor was apart of the family that got killed by the Reaper and he changed his name and is the only survivor. Archie also realizes that he needs to here Veronica say that she loves him and starts acting weird around her, making things awkward.
Now on to what makes me hate this episode the most. So Varchie shows up at FPs party and so does Alice and Betty, with Betty walking in all sexy and the look on Jugheads face is priceless. Alice is acting like a Serpent and it is so fun to watch. Archie and Veronica are in a odd place where they get nominated to do karaoke together, so they sing Mad World. Veronica cannot finish the song so Betty goes on stage and starts to sing. AHHHHHHHHHHH!! As she sings Mad World she starts to strip down into sexy lingerie, and then starts to feel herself and starts to dance on a stripper pole. LIKE HELL NO. First of all she is only 16 fucking years old and is stripping in a bar in front of old gang members. Her mother sees this and does not even go up onto the stage to get her off. Jughead is shocked and hates that she is doing this. The old men clap for her as this is OK for a underage girl to strip in front of them. She can be in Jugheads word but not like this, this is not like Betty and was cringy and hard to watch. Lili looked amazing and sang beautifully but she is playing a 16 year old girl and the writers should have not done this. Then we have FP going on stage after Bettys performance and gives her his jacket and then he says he is a Serpent for life and is not going anywhere. This is all because he knows what Jughead has done with Penny and has sets deal that he is in and Jughead is out. The scene that breaks me even more is when FP tells Jughead this and says that he broke his heart. Like stop killing me. Then it gets even worse. We see Archie and Veronica fighting and she cannot do this anymore so they break up. Jughead goes out to talk to Betty and realizes that he has to break it off with her that she is in danger with this life that he is living. She says that they need to stop pushing each other away but he says to just go. He cannot let her get hurt and he already did this to his father and he cannot do it to her. So I am balling again, I already had to go through a Bughead breakup just two episode before and now my heart was ripped out yet again. It makes sense and they need to really discuss their problems, so I was not as upset but then shit hits the already stained fan. As Jughead narrates the end of the episode we have upset Archie going home and he see Betty through the window. As Jughead says the boy next door finally sees the girl next door for the very first time. They end the episode on fucking Barchie shit. The amount of screaming I had cannot even come to words.
They built up these characters to be strong and have different parts that make them diverse and compelling. Then we now see crappy writing that does not make sense, characters not acting like themselves and no they are bringing in the love triangle from the comics that does not work with how they have written these characters in the show.
My favorite moments were: FP out of jail and Jughead and him riding motorcycles. "Tall Boy stop acting like a little bitch"! Alice and FP moments. "You broke my heart Jughead".
S02 E09: Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night

I had no excitement when I started this episode, I already found out that there was most likely to be a Betty and Archie kiss, and I was anxious to watch this episode. But luckily this episode surprised me and was good and entertaining.
So it is Christmas in Riverdale, and we start off with Kevin's secret Santa. But before that Betty has a nightmare about the Black-Hood. Everyone is not feeling the Christmas spirit, which Cheryl and Archie having money troubles, Veronica buying Archie something very sentimental, and Jughead trying to still help the Serpents but his dad will not let him. At the gift give away we have tension high between both broken up couples, as Archie was Bettys secret Santa and he got he something from their childhood. Both Veronica and Jughead did not look happy. Moose and Midge are back and they look good, but Archie still sees what the Black-Hood did to them. This is when they see that Mr. Svension is not working there right now. So this makes Archie and Betty go on a hunt to find him.
Before they do that we see Jughead giving Betty her gift and she gives him hers. They are still not OK but we know they will be good in the future. Veronica gives her gift to Archie saying that even though we are still friends she will always be there. But Archie reveals that his dad is in debt with all the hospital bills and that he does not know how they are going to pay for them.
The Serpents are doing Toys for Tots, but Jughead still thinks that his dad is doing dangerous things. Archie and Betty go to Mr. S house and try to find him, while Veronica is mad that her parents are spending money on nothing while Archie is in trouble. So this makes Veronica go against her father and writes the check for the bills that Mr. Andrews has to pay. Betty gets a gift from the Bhood and it is the finger of Mr. S. Then Betty gets a call from him and says that he has Mr. S. So Archie and Betty go to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy to see what Mr. S was like as a child to figure out why the Bhood has him.
Veronica finally finds out that her father owns Pops and is outraged. Her parents find out and they agree that she needs to be apart of the business and that she is done being daddy's little girl. Jughead finally takes a stand against Penny and gets the younger Serpents to go after her. So they hatch a plan and it gets ugly. I was shocked that this show did this but damn Jughead should not be hot by what he did. Jughead and the other Serpents kidnap Penny and they say that she has to stay out of Riverdale. She then replies that she is a Serpent and shows her tattoo, this makes Jughead pull out a knife and while the other Serpents hold her down he cuts off her tattoo. LIKE AGAIN WTF! This is not like Jughead and yet I was OK that he did it. When Betty and Archie are at the Sisterhood they figure out that Nana Blossom was about of the murder investigation with the Reaper and go to talk to her. They find out that the man accused of the murders was buried alive and that Bettys grandfather was responsible for this innocent man dying.
This leads to the worst thing. Betty and Archie are discussing this in the car when he tells her that this is not her fault, and that they will end this and things will go back to normal. This is when she leans in a kisses Archie. NO! I knew it was coming but I thought he would initiate this not her and this is not like her character once again. She just broke up with the love of her life and is now kissing her old crush that wanted nothing to do with her and her best friends ex.
After that disgusting scene we see Veronica getting to know the family business but we do not know what it is. FP finds out what Jughead did and is so angry at him. This makes Jughead go into a speech on how he is proud to be a Serpent. We have Archie and Betty realizing that Mr. S was buried alive only to be trapped by the Bhood. He pules a gun on Betty and makes Archie get in the coffin. Betty has to start burring Archie alive but then hits the Black-Hood with a shovel and gets Archie out. They run after him and he is about to jump off the bridge when the Sheriff shoots him and kills him.
We find out who the Black-Hood is and it is the janitor Mr. Svension. So he cut off his own finger and did all of this to these kids. This was not interesting and the build up was not worth it. He cannot be the killer and I am not convinced yet. We have the core four talking about what happened with the Bhood and how Mr. S did all of this because he accused a man of murder who was innocent.(Yea right bitch).
As we end this half of the season we see what everyone got for Christmas. Betty got Jughead a specific type of typewriter and he is so happy it makes my heart hurt, then I really start to cry when we see what Jughead got Betty. This boy has no money yet he got a signed copy of her favorite book 'Beloved', and then wrote for his beloved, and ended with "Love Jug". Its OK I am just crying and I am in the fetal position. Veronica gets a necklace from Archie and goes to his house and she tells him that she does love him, so they kiss and makeup. Even though Betty kissed his already this episode. Betty destroys all of the stuff she got from the Black-Hood but then grabs the hood at the last minute and looks at it with revenge. That is how the episode ends.
My favorite moments were: FP being a good dad. Cheryl middle name is Margery! HO MERRY HO!! Kevin singing with Josie.

The trailer for the rest of the season looks promising. With Southside High being shut down the schools emerge together. Also we see that Alice wants to meet her son and we finally get to see Chip. There will be a lot of drama but I am hoping that the second half will clear up story plot wholes, fix characters and make Bughead happy again.
To summarize this shit of part 1 of the season, I would give it a six out of ten. That is being generous in my opinion. This show made me fall in love with its plot and characters in season 1, and made in into the top three, being behind Outlander and Game of Thrones. Which are shows that are more advanced then this teen drama. So as my excitement for season Two was squashed into a pulp after each episode disappointed me each week, I was crushed. The season started off with high hopes and went into different paths that did not make any sense. We got bad character development, and bad plot lines that made us angry and did not satisfy. There were to many plot wholes and each episode had me screaming at my TV, and I do have neighbors so I cannot really do that. The relationships that the writes made us fall in love in season 1 were brought to shitty stereotypes and made each ship breakup just for the sake of drama. I rather see them figure out their problems and be healthy then to see another love triangle in a teen drama. I also was so excited for the Serpent story line but by the end I hated it and it reminds me way to much of Sons of Anarchy and I do not want them to go down the same road.
There were good moments in this part of the season but the cons out way the good. One week my favorite charaters were beans and the next I was hating them for the shit they were doing. I love Jughead and how he is close to his father this season but he is going down a bad path and why can't anything ever work out for this boy. Veronica is becoming one of my favorite characters as she seems to be the only one with common sense each episode so she is the real MVP this season. I liked how we got more Kevin, but I want to still see more of him. Archie is not making me mad as much as season 1, so I am starting to like him a lot better, lets hope that stays the same. Cheryl needs a better story line and I hope they take her character in a good direction for the second half. I want more Josie and the Pussycats there was not enough. I love FP this season and I want to see the back story of him and Alice. As for Alice we need Betty and her to have a better relationship pronto. As for Betty my second favorite character made me not happy this season. I love how Lili played her and made my heart hurt during certain scenes, but the writes are not doing Betty justice. We are most likely getting more dark Betty the second half but I want them to build her up to be great again. She went through to much shit and this girl needs a break and she needs help for her metal issues. I want her to fix herself, and same goes for Jughead before Bughead gets back together. We need a healthy relationship once more.
But that is my review on the first half of season 2 of Riverdale. I hope you all enjoyed my craziness for the show and I want you all to give this show a chance lets see what happens when it returns January 17th. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Side comment but the best lines of this season so far was: Cheryl saying Bride of Hobo and Jugheads Ho Merry Ho!
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