Another Top Ships of All Time
Well, it's that time again, and since I have too many ships, here is another list. I have sat thinking of another top 12 and it was just as hard as the first one. Some of these are true endgame, while others have so much trouble that they could never make it through. So let me go through twelve more ships that made me angry, cry, laugh, throw something at my screen, and bawl my eyes out thinking life was over. Spoilers ahead because I will go deep into plots.

Pretty Little Liars sucked me into the fan base within the first episode. Spencer was always my favorite character because I love her ambition, so during the first season when she got closer to Toby, I loved their dynamic. It started off as a weird relationship but bloomed into a beautiful romance. They have gone through many hardships, and during the series finale you see a glimpse that they would get back together. This was my favorite ship on the show as I could not get into Ezra and Aria's relationship nor Hannah and Caleb's. Even though the show lost me, I will always love this couple.

I have a thing for nerdy boys loving the popular girl since a very young age. As Seth had always had a crush on Summer, it was sweet to see them go into a friendship and then into something more. After they start to hang out more, you see that they have a lot in common. They are quirky and so playful with one another and that's why I love their relationship. Of course the teen drama made them go through many triumphs, but in the series finale you see them getting married. Of course they would make it funny with Summer sticking out her tongue at him while walking down the aisle.
Right from the first episode, they were perfect. Their friendship was hilarious and the whole group was a blast. You would see little hints in season one, and as the show progressed we saw that they were perfect for one another. In the best episode, The Cooler, they play True American, and Nick has to kiss Jess. He won't as he said "not like this" and runs away. Later, when she hears a noise, Nick comes out of his room and they laugh off the situation. But as she says goodnight, he holds her back and kisses her. The went through more awkward scenes after this, and once they finally have sex, they realize that they love each other. They go through a breakup and you just have to wait until they get back together. Finally, during the latest season's finale, you see them kiss. Hopefully, the last season that premieres in April will show a great ending for them.
Their love story is one for the ages. I am a sucker for period dramas as we all know and for history. I love their relationship in real life, but the way the show, Victoria, plays it makes it so much better. You get to see what their lives were like, and how much they loved each other. From the beginning, we see the attraction they have, and how it progressed into one of the best love stories in history. It shows the honesty that is marriage and that they always have to work at it. They will always be there for one another, and I cannot wait for season three to see more.
I LOVE ALL VERSIONS!!!!!! I have been a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice since I was little and love romance in general, so of course I love their epic love story. My favorite version is the TV movie from 1995, but every version shows the passion that they have. From hatred to love, this is a true love story that involves getting past your own faults and seeing the other side of someone. Even with the version with Zombies, I was sucked into their story and how they are soulmates.
12. Spencer and Toby (Pretty Little Liars)

Pretty Little Liars sucked me into the fan base within the first episode. Spencer was always my favorite character because I love her ambition, so during the first season when she got closer to Toby, I loved their dynamic. It started off as a weird relationship but bloomed into a beautiful romance. They have gone through many hardships, and during the series finale you see a glimpse that they would get back together. This was my favorite ship on the show as I could not get into Ezra and Aria's relationship nor Hannah and Caleb's. Even though the show lost me, I will always love this couple.
11. Seth and Summer (The O.C)

I have a thing for nerdy boys loving the popular girl since a very young age. As Seth had always had a crush on Summer, it was sweet to see them go into a friendship and then into something more. After they start to hang out more, you see that they have a lot in common. They are quirky and so playful with one another and that's why I love their relationship. Of course the teen drama made them go through many triumphs, but in the series finale you see them getting married. Of course they would make it funny with Summer sticking out her tongue at him while walking down the aisle.
10. Jimmy and Sabrina (Raising Hope)

From the first episode I shipped them so hard. After Jimmy gets Hope, he meets Sabrina while going shopping for Hope for the first time. He falls in love with her straight away, and you see their friendship blossom immediately. It was definitely a slow burn, but in season two you finally see that she feels the same way. Of course it is cheesy, but Sabrina running out of the theater after he professed his love made my heart stop, but then you see Jimmy going after her. She kisses him and says she just doesn't like public affection. I was on the floor with happiness. Then as the show progressed you see them getting married, and Sabrina adopting Hope so she can be her legal mother.
9. Elio and Oliver (Call Me By Your Name)

My friend, Amelia, wanted me to go see one of SCAD's Film Fest Gala screenings and she said that I would enjoy this movie. Well of course I did. First off, the movie is outstanding and it is now in my top ten of all time. It's a beautiful love story that makes your heart feel warm and happy and you will definitely cry at this movie. But on to why I love them: they are perfection. They start off as best friends and it blossoms into a beautiful love story. How they act around each other is so endearingly sweet and I want a relationship like theirs. The ending of that movie hurt my soul, and let's hope that there is a sequel so I can see more of them. Also I love Timothée Chalamet, and this movie and him need to win an Oscar.
8. Dwayne and Whitley (A Different World)

Why did Netflix have to take this show off?! I have to show this iconic scene in three gifs because it is just that beautiful. They start off as frenemies before it turns from friendship into way more. She is the pompous rich girl that wants everything where he is the smart goofball that is lovable and adorable. They get together and break up a couple of times. However they always find their way back to one another. They both realize that they cannot live without the other and this scene shows it in all of its beauty. The last season is when you see them in married life, and in the finale, she is pregnant with their first child.
7. Sybil and Tom (Downton Abbey)

Grab the tissues. With Sybil being a lady of Downton, and Tom, the chauffeur, this love story is a rough one. It starts off all sweet and innocent before blossoming into a forbidden love affair. We see them go through a lot with their relationship and with themselves in trying to change the perspective of society. After a long time, they realize that they love one another and they run away together. This leads to problems, but her father sees that they are in love. They get married and have a beautiful baby girl. The hardest character death I have ever been through was Sybil's. While she is giving birth, she goes into shock, and after she has the baby, she dies. I cannot watch that scene ever again and my heart hurts while I write this. Tom goes through a major depression, but by the finale of the show, he is going to America with his daughter, Sybil.
6. Nick and Jess (New Girl)

Right from the first episode, they were perfect. Their friendship was hilarious and the whole group was a blast. You would see little hints in season one, and as the show progressed we saw that they were perfect for one another. In the best episode, The Cooler, they play True American, and Nick has to kiss Jess. He won't as he said "not like this" and runs away. Later, when she hears a noise, Nick comes out of his room and they laugh off the situation. But as she says goodnight, he holds her back and kisses her. The went through more awkward scenes after this, and once they finally have sex, they realize that they love each other. They go through a breakup and you just have to wait until they get back together. Finally, during the latest season's finale, you see them kiss. Hopefully, the last season that premieres in April will show a great ending for them.
5. Eleven and Mike (Stranger Things)

Stranger Things hooked me right away. Of course, I watched parts of season 2 before watching the first season. I already knew this ship, but watching it made me love them so much. Their pure, innocent hearts make me so happy. The way Mike protects her from anything, even though she does not need it, it is so sweet. He was the first one to accept her, and when they were separated he called her every night for 353 days straight. She heard him, and even though he could not see her, she saw him. When they reunited, it was so beautiful. When they were at the dance, I cried at that beautiful moment.
4. Jane and Rafael (Jane the Virgin)

Since season one, I was Team Rafael. Their chemistry is amazing and I shipped it from the start. I did like Michael in the beginning, but when Jane got pregnant, he was not the best. I liked him as the series progressed, and when she chose him resulting in them getting married, I was happy for them. Of course this show ripped out my heart when they killed him off, but after a time jump and a lot of ups and downs, we saw that Rafael was perfect for Jane. He pushed her to follow her dreams of becoming a writer, always told her to be brave, and when Michael died, he was always there for her. He is an amazing father. Watching their love story go through so much and seeing it come together is so beautiful. In the last season we saw both of them want something more. Last week's episode after the jaw dropping kiss at the mid season finale, they try again to see if their are sparks. OMG! One of the best scenes ever. Funny and cute and so sexy. The way he talked to her about what would happen after the kiss, and what he would do, made her kiss him and I am happy that they are almost together. They are endgame.
3. Victoria and Albert (Victoria/Real Life)

Their love story is one for the ages. I am a sucker for period dramas as we all know and for history. I love their relationship in real life, but the way the show, Victoria, plays it makes it so much better. You get to see what their lives were like, and how much they loved each other. From the beginning, we see the attraction they have, and how it progressed into one of the best love stories in history. It shows the honesty that is marriage and that they always have to work at it. They will always be there for one another, and I cannot wait for season three to see more.
2. Elizabeth and Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)

I LOVE ALL VERSIONS!!!!!! I have been a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice since I was little and love romance in general, so of course I love their epic love story. My favorite version is the TV movie from 1995, but every version shows the passion that they have. From hatred to love, this is a true love story that involves getting past your own faults and seeing the other side of someone. Even with the version with Zombies, I was sucked into their story and how they are soulmates.
1. Stiles and Lydia (Teen Wolf)

This is the other ship that took over most of my 2017 and the reason I started watching Teen Wolf. One night, I was bored at 11 at night and thought to look up some scenes of them to see what the hype was about. I thought they were cute, and having never watched Teen Wolf, I took a shot. I should not have done that. I went to bed at four that morning, as I watched scenes from every season, and started season one to see what happens. For two weeks, Teen Wolf was my life, and I read all the Stydia fan fictions I could find. I watched the last episode of Teen Wolf live with my friend wanting to see any moments between them. The reason I love them is because Stiles has loved her since 3rd grade, and of course it is the trope of nerdy boy loves popular girl, but I love it. In season one and two, we do not see many scenes, only ones where he is pining after her, and his talk of his 10 year plan. When Jackson dumps her before the dance, Stiles went with her and we got a cute moment where he stood up for himself, and she liked it. That was just season one. In almost every season, we get an amazing moment. From the panic attack kiss to the strings on her finger, there are so many to love. After season three and the death of Allison, we do not see a lot of Stydia even though it was building up in that season. Stiles starts to date Malia in season four, and we see in certain parts that Lydia is jealous. Finally in season five, we find out that Stiles still loves her and he saves her life, and we also see that she loves him too. But finally, in season six, after Stiles is taken by the wild hunt, she is the last one that remembers him. When they are in his jeep, he tells her that he is going to be taken, and that she will forget him. She insists that she won't, but before he is gone, he tells her to remember that he loves her. She does forget him, but feels like there is something missing. After half a season of figuring out who Stiles is, and how to get him back, Lydia is the one to do it. She watches her memories of him, like we have watched for years, she realizes that she loves him, but never said it back. Once they open the divide, she also saves him from the wild hunt once again with her banshee scream. She tells him that she never said it back, and he replies you don't have to, and they run to each other for a huge kiss. At the end, we see that they are together! Even though 6B does not show a lot between them, mostly because Stiles wasn't there, they are endgame and I love them as much as I love Bughead.
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