How To Get Out Of Those Winter Blues

February is the month where you really start to hate Winter and want it to be nice out, everyone gets that feeling when it is cold and dreary outside. The cloudy months get tiring really fast and you just want to go out without heating up your car or clearing off snow. Since I am in Georgia for most of Winter, I do not get major Winter blues, but there are still days that get me down. When I live in Michigan I get sick of Winter fast, and cannot wait for Spring. I have some cool methods to get out of those blues and enjoy the season while it lasts.

Photo by: Alix Rogers 

Embrace Winter

This is hard to do, I know, but hear me out. We can get sick of Winter really fast, so why not take what we have and embrace it. Go out in the snow and make it your bitch. Do fun winter things: sledding, snowball fights, drinking hot coco, it could help.

Invite Friends Over for a Game Night

It is too horrible to even think about going outside, stay in with friends. You could all have a fun movie night, or decided to play fun games that could last hours. It is always a great time to have the people you love around you, and will boost up your mood. You can make great memories, and then love the season. 

Photo by: Alix Rogers

Pick Up a New Hobby

Since we all get sick of Winter at the beginning of the year it is a perfect time for a new hobby. The weather might not be nice, so stay in and work on something you enjoy. One hobby that even relates to my career (and that I have been meaning to start) is embroidery. Or if it nice outside, try an outdoor hobby for Winter that sounds interesting. 

Go One a Trip/Long Weekend or Somewhere Warm

Take a long weekend to stay in, or go somewhere warm. Save up money months in advance, and you could be in Fiji in the sunny weather. If you don't have the means to go somewhere far that's warm, then take a long weekend and go some where close to home that is cheaper. 

Photo by: Alix Rogers


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