Top Female TV Characters
I am finally continuing my favorite characters list. I love female characters that make you feel inspired and empowered. The females that I picked are true warriors, smart and organized, or just hilarious. My top males list I only picked one from each show, but for this list I can't choose between certain characters. Blame Game of Thrones. There are also so many that I love that made this list so long and it could be even longer. I love these ladies and they are true role models in life. Enjoy my top female characters!

Honorable Mentions:
From Amelia and Alix
Amy Pond: Doctor Who

River Song: Doctor Who
40. Pinkie Pie: My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic

Yes, we are starting this episode with a kids' TV show. I love this character, she acts like she is high on life and I laugh every time she is on screen. She has a golden heart and will always try to make her friends laugh and have a great time. She's the pony of the party.
39. Lady Mary Crawley: Downton Abbey

The sass she gives! She is always true to herself and will not settle for something she does not want. A true fighter and will help at the times of need. She has gone through so much loss, but still fights for what is right in the world. She will do this with all her sass and remarks and it is lovely.
38. Suki: Avatar The Last Airbender

Avatar has so many female leaders in the show. Suki is the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. Strong, determined, and ambitious, she is a true inspiration. She will always be one of my favorites from that show.
37. Zoey Brookes: Zoey 101

Watching this show while growing up, she was on one of my favorite TV shows. She always did what she though was right, she was a true friend, and passionate about the things she loved. I relate to her on many levels and loved watching a strong female lead in a TV show meant for preteens.
36. Samantha Jones: Sex and the City

This woman is the queen of power. She is always the one to liven up the party and say what is on her mind. She will not back down for anyone and will say the truth, even if it hurts. She may be crude at points but that's why we love her because of her no hold back attitude.
35. Kim Possible: Kim Possible

Zoey was a great role model, but Kim is number one when it comes to my childhood. This character was everything: smart, funny, ambitious, determined, and beautiful. Like in the theme song, she will always be there until the very end. I love Kim Possible.
34. Tara Knowles: Sons of Anarchy

God, I miss her. She was so strong and had so much power. She went on her own to become the best surgeon and then came back, even though it was not safe and fell back in love with the love of her life. She's always there for family and will do anything to protect them. Even though family was her demise, her children will know her as a powerful and selfless woman.
33. Suki St. James: Gilmore Girls

This is one of the best Gilmore Girls characters. She's funny and such a great cook. She's also passionate and a little bit of an airhead. She will always make you laugh and her one liners are the best.
32. Veronica Lodge: Riverdale

This one has had its ups and downs with me. I love when she is the powerful girl that is strong and determined, but sometimes she goes a little too ham and things gets messy. At the beginning of season two, I loved the progression of her character, but as the season continues, she keeps going back and forth. We'll see what happens.
31. Lorelei Gilmore: Gilmore Girls

This woman is a true achiever. Head strong, she decided to live on her own with her baby at sixteen. She raised Rory by herself and created a life for them. She grew her own business and was always there for everyone. She is and always will be an amazing woman. Also the sass and comments are my life.
30. Mai: Avatar the Last Airbender

Her persona was always amazing to watch. On the outside she is a loner and an unattached person with no emotion. However, if you hurt her or anyone she loves, she will come at you with full force. A skilled blade thrower, she has many talents that people do not see.
29. Shego: Kim Possible

She is not the sidekick at all. Even though she is a villain, she will get what she wants. Even when Dr. Drakken's plans fail, she is the one to see them through and is there to clean up the inevitable mess. Her sass and wit make her a fantastic character to watch.
28. Ygritte: Game of Thrones

Another one I miss dearly. She is a badass and I love the freedom she represents. Strong and proven, she could kill you in a second. A great warrior that we miss.
27. Quinn Pensky: Zoey 101

I always loved how weird and quirky she is. She's so smart and will do what she wants. She is determined to find out the answers and figure the problems around her out. I loved growing up with this role model.
26. Joan Holloway: Mad Men

I adore her attitude. Such a hard worker and will not take anything from a man. She is a born leader and business women. She's one of the best from this great show.
25. Jessica Day: New Girl

Her sense of humor and craziness is so fun to watch. A loyal and helpful friend, she will go to great lengths to solve or help a person in need even if it ends up horribly.
24. Peggy Carter: Agent Carter

I wanted so much more of this show. I loved her right from the beginning, bold and a force to be reckoned with. She will find the truth and share it with the world. She is the good in the world that everyone needs.
23. Spencer Hastings: Pretty Little Liars

She's my favorite Liar, cunning and fierce, you do not want to mess with her. She wants to figure out every detail and knows that she is right. If she thinks something is up, she has to know the truth. She's not just book smart but her wit can cut through anyone.
22. Pam Swynford De Beaufort: True Blood

She is the best! Everything she says is so sassy and crude that is makes this show hilarious. She gets what she wants and will do anything for Eric. I love how she keeps things less serious in the troubled times they are in.
21. Toph: Avatar the Last Airbender

She's a funny and crazy girl that will fight for what she wants. She will help her friends when they are in trouble and will always stick up for herself. Her comments make every scene better and we all wish we were that cool.
20. Maggie Greene: The Walking Dead

She's my favorite on this show. She is the true leader and Rick should only listen to her and her strong lessons. She tries to make sure everyone matters in the world they live in. She will take things into her own hands and figure out how to make things right.
19. Blair Waldorf: Gossip Girl

Even though she is the evil queen of Gossip Girl, she is everything on this show: ambitious, cunning, smart, and tenacious and she will cut you down if you cross her. Even with her problems, she is a true friend that will be by your side.
18. Brienne of Tarth: Game of Thrones

This lady is a true bean. A fighter for everything, she is an amazing warrior and a true friend. If she has a duty, she will die for it. Always true to her word, she will protect the things she loves and will die for them.
17. Daenerys Targaryen: Game of Thrones

She is a woman who grew up being heavily controlled for most of her life, yet has still managed to stay alive in the world of Westeros. However, to be fair, she is starting to show the madness for what her family is known for. She will win the throne and be the queen that she is meant to be.
16. Jane Villanueva: Jane the Virgin

Her spirit is everything that I love. Determined like most of the people on this list, she is a woman that will fight for what she loves. She takes every hit she gets in life and makes the best out of everything. I love her passion, wit, and happiness that she brings.
15. Betty Cooper: Riverdale

My bae, Betty, oh, how you make me mad. I loved her in season one, but in season two, she has her ups and downs just like Veronica. She is smart and stands up for what she believes in. With her problems aside, I love this girl and hope that in the rest of the season her character grows into the light.
14. Claire Frasier: Outlander

She has gone through so much and she takes everything she has and makes the best of it. Logic and cleverness is her strong point, and she is an amazing doctor. She goes to great lengths for the ones she loves. She's such a strong woman.
13. Sam Puckett: iCarly

My love for iCarly comes from Sam. The tough girl of the show, she is a strong willed and feisty lady that won't put up with anything. She can take someone down in one hit, and even through her tough exterior, she is a loyal and true friend that will always be there.
12. Temperance Brennan: Bones

She is the queen of logic and theory. She always believes in the right of science and will always look for the truth. With her hard exterior, she comes across cold, but once you warm up to her and give her insight on how society works, she will always be there for you and what you believe in.
11. Azlua: Avatar the Last Airbender

She's one of the best villains ever such ambition, but for the wrong reasons. Clever and always there to make a statement, she will do literately anything to prove that she is worth it and that she desires it. Even with her being crazy, she is such a great character.
10. Eleven: Stranger Things

She is everything that this generation needs. She's strong and another one that will do anything for the people she loves. Even with her troubles, she is the one to take charge and fix the problems that she has and to save her friends.
9. Astrid Hofferson: How To Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge

This counts since HTTYD has its own show. I love her and everything she represents. Strong and determined, she is always the one to take charge of things. A skilled warrior with a taste for adventure just like Hiccup, she is the the perfect complement in their dynamic.
8. Rapunzel: Tangled:The Series

She's such a little bean. Pure joy and happiness is what she represents. A fighter for what she believes in and she will always see the best in people. No matter their past, she will always see the good.
7. Queen Victoria: Victoria

A great woman in real life, the show just emphasizes her greatness. I love history, so of course, I would love this show. A woman who thinks solely for herself and her people, she is one of the best queens in history.
6. Lady O' Lenna Tyrell: Game of Thrones

The queen of sass in GOT. I love how sly and wicked she is, and she will do anything that she sees fit. I hate how she finally dies in the second to last season, but we will always remember her greatness and amazing wit.
5. Camille O'Connell: The Originals

I miss my baby. I am still mad that they killed her off. Her compassion and light she had for people was the best thing about her. She loved to help people fight their demons and even in her last moments, she tells the man she loves to keep going and to live on.
4. Lady Margaery Tyrell: Game of Thrones

She is the best of Game of Thrones. Her ambition to get to the top is everything the show needed. She will do anything that will get her the power her house needs. Just like her grandmother, she is clever, cunning, and a leader, standing up for what is right and even though she is now gone, she will always be my favorite.
3. Sybil Crawley: Downton Abbey
I still cannot watch the episode she dies in. She will always been one of my favorite characters. She's strong willed and with everything going on, she takes a stand and does something with her life, helping out wherever she can. I love her attitude towards life and the happiness she would bring to everyone.
2. Cheryl Blossom: Riverdale

She's my sass queen. I love her and every problem she has. She's such a misunderstood person, and with everything she has gone through, it's no wonder why she acts so mean. Underneath the shell she has created, she is a sweet, caring person that is full of love. I am so happy that she is in a better place right now and she is happy with Toni.
1. Lydia Martin: Teen Wolf

I did not mean for both Stiles and Lydia to be my number ones, but it happened. She is smart, like really smart, beautiful, clever, resourceful and a true boss amongst women. She will not be broken down, many people have tried and failed. She shows that being smart and beautiful does not make the person, but what you do and the things that you achieve will make you the strong person that everyone should strive to be.
Which is your favorite? I will see you guys on Monday.
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