Goals For Winter Quarter
So as it's the first week of 2019, I am trying to set goals for the new school term, so I can keep my spirits up and so I can make this my strongest quarter yet. At SCAD I do well, but not fantastic. I always gets Bs which are not bad at all, but I want one quarter where I can get that 4.0.
So here are my goals that I hope to achieve this winter.
Take Every Chance I Get
Since it's my junior year, it's the time for internships and scholarships, so I will not be scared and I will take every chance that SCAD gives me and go with it, no matter the workload.
Always Have The Passion
By the time midterms comes, most SCAD students are already burnt out. That will not happen to me this time. I am going to plan ahead to help me not get tired of work or have a lack of inspiration. If I am tired, I will allow myself to take a break and clear my head. That way I can go back in with my head clear and eyes forward.
Don't Settle For Just Okay
In the past, I just made myself get to the okay phase and then quit. That will not happen again. I will put my heart and soul into every project I do, even if I am not good at the topic or have no interest. I see you CAD. I am going to make sure everything is my 100% effort before it's turned in.
Take Breaks
I kinda already covered this above and in my New Year's resolutions, but I cannot be in my dorm all day doing homework and watching TV anymore. I need to go out and explore with my friends more. I always think I am wasting work time, but going out and doing something new could inspire me and help my work grow. So that's a huge goal for me.
Collaborate More
At SCAD, collaborating is so important. I always collab with my best friends, Amelia and Alix, which is awesome. I do need to expand a little more though. I need to delve into other majors and see their talents that could help my work. As well as I need to collaborate with more people and help others achieve their goals. That way each party is growing.
These are my goals for my winter term. What goals are you trying to set for yourself or which goal do you think I should make my focus? Let me know. I will see you guys on Friday for another TV shows post.
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