Most Hated TV Show Villains
I watch a substantial amount of TV. I have shows that range from fantasy to period dramas. For me to really hate a character or more specifically a villain, they must be the worst people on the earth. I don't really hate the ones that are just mean or ruthless, but the ones that are so vile that you have to hate them. Most of my list will be from Game of Thrones because George R. R. Martin knows how to create villains that I want to personally murder myself. Here are my most hated villains of TV that I each to die in a painful way.
Some of these villains have met their end, and a lot of them did in the best way possible.
Spoilers and gory details that might trigger stuff is ahead, so you are all notified.
Geillis Duncan (Outlander)

I love her and then I really hate her. She is one of my top female characters, but at the end of her story, she just hits a nerve and I was so happy that she was dead. With her trying to change Scotland's history, she goes a little crazy. Once Geillis wanted to kill Brianna, I wanted her gone. Her death was satisfying and a great way to end her character.
Cersei Lannister (Game Of Thrones)
Throughout the first few seasons, she was not the worst villain there was by far. By the end of season 7 however, she is now the worst one (besides the white walkers). She has always been ruthless and got what she wanted, but with her pushing Jaime away and killing the rest of the Martells, she needs to go. Hopefully, she will meet her end in the final season.
Billy (Stranger Things)

First off, he treats his sister horribly. Second, he beat up my baby, Steve. Third, I want him to die by a demogorgon. There's only been one season with him, and he is such a great villain, but I cannot wait for him to die. I hope he either changes his ways or dies a graphic death. If you watch this show, you will understand.
Rose/ Sin Rostro (Jane the Virgin)

With Jane the Virgin being a dramedy, they needed a great villain. She is more of a subplot, but has a huge part in the series and is in every season. She is manipulative and a crazy drug lord. Changing her appearance makes her even stronger. I was peeved with her taking Mateo away when he was just born. Like, what did Jane do to you??? The biggest annoyance is that Michael is still alive and I have a feeling that she had something to do with it.
Aurora (The Originals)

SHE KILLED CAMI! I hate her with so much passion. Getting revenge on Klaus, I get it. He broke her heart, blah blah blah. However, killing Cami and making her take her blood to turn into a vampire is something I cannot deal with. She killed her the first time and Lucian is a close second in hatred with killing Cami as a vampire. After the first time and waiting a month to see if she was dead or not was heartbreaking. I don't even know what she ended up like since the show never told us after season 3. My wish is that she is dead since Rebekkah took the cure.
Penny Peabody (Riverdale)
She broke up my babies and threatened Betty, FP, and Jughead. She's sly and will make people's life hell. I blame most of Jughead's stupid decisions and problems from last season on her. The Black Hood broke up Bughead first, but with Penny going after Betty, Jug knew what he had to do which was stupid. Even with Jughead going after Penny and cutting her tattoo off, she still came back with a vengeance. The Ghoulies and Penny almost killed Jughead and cut him too. Not my baby! With Penny now with Hiram and the evil squad, there will be more trouble in the future. I'm excited for Betty to go after her and give us what we want. (EN: I want Choni to kill her. I feel like they'd be more creative...)
Negan (The Walking Dead)

He killed Glenn. I want him to die with that bat smashing his face and body. I stopped watching The Walking Dead, so I don't know what else he has done besides what my dad has told me. He is a great villain, but needs to die and not just be in jail.
Gemma Teller Morrow (Sons of Anarchy)

I hated her at the end of the series. She just wanted to protect her family, but failed so hard. With her killing Tara, the mother of her grandchildren, she lost it. This made everything fall apart even though it already was. This lead Jax to kill his own mother when he found out and kill himself. So he was just like her husband, his father, and left behind orphaned children. I am still not over that ending.
Bryce Walker (13 Reasons Why)

I didn't even watch season 2, so I do not know what happens to him. He has raped so many girls and was the last straw that lead to Hannah's suicide. Watching him take advantage of his best friend's girlfriend, multiple girls and then Hannah made me want to throw up. Rape is worse than murder to me. I want him to die in such a painful death. (EN: This show does NOT do the book justice!!!)

Are you surprised he is only at number 5? I know its weird. This little b*tch needed to die. There are so many horrible things he has done and too many to list with the worst being how manipulative and sociopathic he was. His death was amazing to watch and even better to read. Dying by being poisoned by the best person Lady Olenna was so satisfying to watch. I still hate his guts.
He chopped off Theon's penis. He killed multiple people in horrific ways. He tortured Theon and made him feel so worthless that he even went by Reek. He hunted women with his dogs and raped them. Then he flays them and kills them. He killed the two boys who were thought to be the youngest Starks. He killed off any heirs his father had, so he could be the true heir. He killed his own step mother and baby brother by having his dogs tear them apart.
The books and show are different in that he never married Sansa in the book. So his wife in the book, he made Theon perform oral on her so that she was ready for him. He also used his dogs to do things to her. In the show he rapes Sansa on their wedding night and makes Theon watch. I almost stopped watching the show at that point since it wasn't in the book. Luckily Sansa escaped with Theon, so they were both out of his realm. Later, he killed Rikon and almost killed Jon Snow.
After Jon finally defeats him, he almost kills him by beating him senseless. Instead of killing him, Sansa chains Ramsey up with his dogs, who he has not fed in days, and lets his dogs eat him alive while she walks away with him screaming in the background. THE BEST DEATH HE COULD HAVE HAD!!! Go watch it! It was amazing!
Who is a villain that makes your skin crawl?
See you guys on Monday!
Joffrey Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Are you surprised he is only at number 5? I know its weird. This little b*tch needed to die. There are so many horrible things he has done and too many to list with the worst being how manipulative and sociopathic he was. His death was amazing to watch and even better to read. Dying by being poisoned by the best person Lady Olenna was so satisfying to watch. I still hate his guts.
Ossie Whitworth (Poldark)

He was so disgusting, I can't. Even with him being a part of the church, he was selfish, horrible, and always got what he wanted. He used the church to justify rape and so much more that I can't. Besides wanting to throw up with his toe fetish, him making Morwenna do her marital duties made me want to kill him myself. She is so messed up because of him. Watching him die was just as good as Joffrey. Being dragged by a horse and hitting his head was the perfect ending to this vile character.
Little Finger/ Petyr Baelish (Game of Thrones)
This rat! He is responsible for almost every death in Game of Thrones. He created the war just to get what he wanted. He lied and killed his way to the top. He fell in love with Catelyn and then her daughter, Sansa. He tried to pursue her. The worst thing to me was him basically selling Sansa to Ramsey even though he knew he was a monster. His death is the second best of the show. Watching Sansa rip him apart verbally and make him confess his crimes to the North was amazing. Arya taking her blade which was once his and cutting his throat was the best way for him to go.
Captain Jonathan Randall (Outlander)

Where do I start? He flogged Jamie and has an obsession with him. He almost raped Claire multiple times. He has killed so many people, and was still treated like a war hero. The worst of the worse was taking Jamie hostage and raping him. Not only did he rape him, but he made Jamie think that it was Claire touching him and not him. This made Jamie go through so many mental issues as well as physical. I tell people when they watch this show that those scenes will mess you up. However he finally met his end and Jamie got to kill him. We knew he would die in the battle of Culloden, but it was worth the wait.
Ramsay Bolton (Game Of Thrones)

He chopped off Theon's penis. He killed multiple people in horrific ways. He tortured Theon and made him feel so worthless that he even went by Reek. He hunted women with his dogs and raped them. Then he flays them and kills them. He killed the two boys who were thought to be the youngest Starks. He killed off any heirs his father had, so he could be the true heir. He killed his own step mother and baby brother by having his dogs tear them apart.
The books and show are different in that he never married Sansa in the book. So his wife in the book, he made Theon perform oral on her so that she was ready for him. He also used his dogs to do things to her. In the show he rapes Sansa on their wedding night and makes Theon watch. I almost stopped watching the show at that point since it wasn't in the book. Luckily Sansa escaped with Theon, so they were both out of his realm. Later, he killed Rikon and almost killed Jon Snow.
After Jon finally defeats him, he almost kills him by beating him senseless. Instead of killing him, Sansa chains Ramsey up with his dogs, who he has not fed in days, and lets his dogs eat him alive while she walks away with him screaming in the background. THE BEST DEATH HE COULD HAVE HAD!!! Go watch it! It was amazing!
Who is a villain that makes your skin crawl?
See you guys on Monday!
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